Main Stage: Old Bakery Studios in Truro is latest spotlight grassroots music venue

The Old Bakery Studios in Truro, Cornwall (The Old Bakery Studios)
The Old Bakery Studios in Truro, Cornwall (The Old Bakery Studios)

The Old Bakery Studios in Truro is the second venue to receive sponsorship from The Independent’s new Main Stage initiative, as part of the publication’s bid to provide support for the UK’s grassroots music venues.

In its year-long initiative and in partnership with the Music Venue Trust, The Independent will highlight one grassroots venue from each of the 12 UK regions, and speak with the people who help to run it to highlight the struggles and successes they have experienced.

Each venue will also receive a shout-out in the weekly Now Hear This newsletter, championing across The Independent’s social media channels, £5,000 worth of ad inventory, and the option to use The Independent’s logo on their website and socials for one year, highlighting their status as a sponsored venue.

The Old Bakery is a 300-capacity standing (100 seated) creative hub in Cornwall run by owner and director Cath King, who took over the heritage harbour-side building in 2017 and turned it into a multi-purpose arts and event space.

“I’m a creative thinker, so after suggestions of a gallery or gig space we made it happen, and it developed from there,” Cath told The Independent. “I think I found this creative outlet for something I could throw myself into, and accidentally ended up recreating my teenage haven.

She continued: “I’ve always been passionate about all music. I loved seeing local bands and unknown artists around town, going home with a CD… I play the violin, a bit of bluegrass, and I’ve always enjoyed those environments where people can thrive creatively.”

The Old Bakery Studios employs a considerable number of freelancers, from the bar team to lighting crew, sound engineers, and marketing and design staff. Cath says it is the team’s passion and love for the arts that keeps the venue going.

A sound technician works during a Don Letts performance at the Old Bakery Studios (The Old Bakery Studios)
A sound technician works during a Don Letts performance at the Old Bakery Studios (The Old Bakery Studios)

“I’ve seen the pain behind the scenes and what it takes to make it work,” she said. “After all the show costs are taking off, and the fact that the UK is the only European country that doesn’t have a lower VAT rate for live music, it’s almost like you’re running on air.

“You take the risk, and if you do well you cover costs. There’s not much profit in it from live shows, and on paper – with the amount of hours you put in – you do end up looking a bit nuts. But it’s worth it, for what it means to the community and to the live music scene.”

She added: “We’re there to support local acts, we love what we do, and we’re very grateful for the support.”

Inside the Old Bakery Studios (The Old Bakery)
Inside the Old Bakery Studios (The Old Bakery)

Coming up at The Old Bakery Studios: A rare close-up solo performance from Ben Ottewell (former Gomez vocalist), blues-punk band Mother Vulture, and English folk singer-songwriter Steve Tilston.

Honourable mentions for other south-west venues go to: Barrel House Ballroom (Totnes), Patchwork Studios (Maker Heights), Exeter Phoenix (Exeter), and Cheese & Grain (Frome).

The Music Venue Trust this week announced The Artist Pledge, a campaign that calls on artists to commit to supporting grassroots venues at the phase in their careers where they are headlining arenas.
