'Love on the Spectrum's Dani Bowman and James Jones Discuss Their Return to Dating in Season 2

Dani Bowman (L) and James Jones (R)

WARNING: The following interview contains spoilers of the events of season 2 of Love on the Spectrum, now streaming on Netflix. Please do not read further if you do not want to know the details of the new season.

Today, Love on the Spectrum returns for a second dose of romance. The American adaptation of the Australian reality show created by Cian O'Clery will once again revolve around a series of people on the autism spectrum as they navigate the dating world, hoping to find "the one." The people at the forefront of this season feature some new faces but also some surprisingly familiar ones as well. Dani Bowman and James Jones both appeared in season 1 in 2022, with things not working out for either one. So they're back for another go-around as they explore the unfamiliar waters of blind dates, people sliding into their DMs, and perhaps finding a spark where there wasn't one before.

Dani and James spoke with Parade.com about what made them return to the show, their time on season 2, and where their respective relationships have gone since the show. All Love on the Spectrum season 2 episodes are now streaming on Netflix.

Related: Here Are 10 Signs of Autism in Adults, According to Experts

We're speaking before season 2 has dropped on Netflix. How do you feel knowing your life will be in the spotlight again?
Dani Bowman:
 Well, I don't think I am nervous. The experience with season one, I didn't have much to date, so I wasn't familiar with the process. However, this season, I was much better prepared and knew what to expect from a date. I also gained clarity on what I wanted and didn't want from a person regardless of their background and aspirations. The filming process is pretty much the same. I already knew what to expect. Everyone was great. As before, everyone was respectful, giving me plenty of breaks and letting me know in advance when we were going to film. I really enjoyed the film crew so much. And eventually, they think they felt like my "wing people." Just some of my friends hanging out with me while on the date.
James Jones: I am very excited. Certainly, I was nervous during the filming. I'm still slightly nervous now. But I'm definitely very excited. Overall, I'm feeling very positive. And I'm really hoping that this time around, I don't appear to be quite so nervous and on edge, because that's how I felt. I seem to be very nervous and tense for almost the entire time during the first season. But most people I know said that I seem to be just fine. So, I guess that's just how I always am, perhaps. So, I am hoping that I will not be quite so nervous this time around.

It's clear from both of your social media presences that things have blown up for you once you were on Love on the Spectrum. How did it feel to become, as James put it, a "pseudo-celebrity"?
 It really helped getting my company, DaniMation Entertainment, recognized. My company helps educate, elevate, and empower people on the autism spectrum by helping them turn their passion in animation into a career. And I hope that others on the spectrum are inspired by my story and are encouraged to follow their dreams.
James: Prior to appearing on the series, my life was pretty typical, I suppose. But yes, I would say that appearing on Love on the Spectrum was certainly one of the best things that ever happened to me. And yes, it has definitely changed my life. I would like to believe it has been for the better.

With both of you, it ultimately didn't work out long-term with your respective partners after season 1 ended. How did you end up returning for season 2, and was there any nervousness about getting on camera again?
 I actually have to admit I was a bit nervous during the filming. I have to admit that, at times, the filming felt intrusive. But I have to admit, I enjoyed it, actually. I did kind of enjoy being in the spotlight. So yes, when I heard there's going to be a second seat. And I asked if it would be possible to return, unless they want to have a completely new cast. Because several people from the first season of the Australian version did return for the second season of that version. So I'm actually very glad I was able to return. 
Dani: For me, it just felt like an all-new adventure. Cain asked me if I would like to join in for season two. I definitely accepted the offer. So I tell myself, "Here I go again!" So I'm just much better prepared to know what to expect from a date. I also gained clarity on what I wanted and didn't want from the person, regardless of their background and their aspirations. But the most important thing that I've learned is that not only does the date have to be motivated and self-dedicated, but the most important thing is that both families have to get along. They definitely have to get along with each other. Otherwise, if one family doesn't accept the other, how's this going to work?

James, what was your biggest lesson from season 1 into season 2?
 Well, it was more familiar. I was more comfortable and more familiar with the process the second time around. So, I wasn't quite as nervous. I think it went much more easily without a question.

James Jones (R) on a date during 'Love on the Spectrum'<p>Courtesy of Netflix</p>
James Jones (R) on a date during 'Love on the Spectrum'

Courtesy of Netflix

Let's start getting into your journeys on season 2. James, even though things ultimately didn't work out for Emma, we do see that she's still a part of your life. She even appears during a scene in season 2 when you're getting together with your friends. During the turbulent world of on-screen dating, I imagine it must be nice to have someone who's also been through the process for support.
 Yes, I suppose. Yes, Emma did participate in the filming for some scenes in season two. So it was good to have her back. I'm very glad that she and I have remained in contact. So yes, it was very good that she was willing to participate in some of the filming for the second season.

Your first date of the season was with Jasmine, who reached out to you on social media after season 1. What was your reaction to having her slide into your DMs?
 Oh, it wasn't too bad. I suppose I was quite excited. Yes, women have been messaging me and expressing interest; that's very good. Of course, plenty of people, both male and female, have sent the messages. But only a small number of women have actually expressed interest. So that's pretty good. Certainly, I was surprised, but pleasantly so, about that.

Dani, we see you go on a blind date this season before ultimately choosing to date people you had met before season 2. How did you negotiate dating complete strangers versus known quantities?
 So with people I am familiar with, it's so easy for me. I already got to know the person. I already know when and when not to kiss. But with the blind date, on the other hand, I just met that person. And I remembered I got myself carried away in the heat of the moment. And knew this was going to be a pretty bad idea. So I've learned that from experience. So whenever I go on a blind date and get to know the person for the first time, I should get to know the person for about four to five dates before expressing my love.

We see you hit an emotional low when you go on a date with Jake, someone you had previously met at a convention, only to find out he wants to be friends. Talk to me about what that was like.
 I thought Jake was ready, because I got to know him for a long time. However, it turned out he was not ready for another relationship. At the time, he was recovering from a breakup with another person. Maybe Jake is not really sure about me or my expectations. It's saddening to hear when I sooner or later realized that Jake rejected me for my expectations. Or maybe he's not ready. Who knows?

So when did you decide to ultimately go on another date with Adan from season 1?
For those who have seen me sobbing in the trailer, where I said, "My heart was supposed to be for me, but my heart goes with him!" It was a very emotional turning point after Jake rejected me. So I thought going with Adan again would be a better choice. Because after I got to know Adan and what his background is a little bit more, there's a spark with Adan.

Did that spark surprise you at all?
 I'm very happy that Adan and I shared interests. He seems to be motivated. And also is very busy. At the same time, I have no problem with Adan being busy. But it would have been nice if Adan and I had much more time together. We still keep in touch through text. But it would have been so nice if we had more time together if we'd met each other in the middle, as suggested by my good friend Devin. 

Season 2 ends with you agreeing to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Are you still dating now?
Dani: I'm still dating Adan. I'm still continuing to get to know him. I'm very happy that both Adan and I are on the right track when it comes to get into a healthy, suitable relationship eventually. The family loves me. [My aunt and uncle] Sandy and Patrick, they're going to eventually get to know the Correa family more.

Dani Bowman is comforted by her Aunt Sandy during 'Love on the Spectrum'<p>Courtesy of Netflix</p>
Dani Bowman is comforted by her Aunt Sandy during 'Love on the Spectrum'

Courtesy of Netflix

James, you ended season 2 going on your first two dates with Maggie, and it seemed like a third was on the way. The postscript of the season said that the two of you had since decided not to continue your relationship. Can you talk to me about what happened once the cameras stopped rolling?
 So after the filming ended, Maggie and I simply met up for dinner after work one day. And that was when Maggie said she actually wasn't really feeling a spark of romance. She wanted to be only just friends. So I understood. Of course, I was disappointed, but I understood. Thankfully,  I had not had time to form any strong emotional connection or to make any emotional investment in her. It wasn't a huge crushing heartbreak, which is good. I'm just fine. It was no problem.

I may or may not have talked about this in the first [season] or in other interviews. But a while back, before Love on the Spectrum was ever a thing, there was actually the first time I ever felt strong feelings for a woman. Ultimately, she said she wasn't interested, or she wasn't ready for us. That was a pretty crushing heartbreak. But that's well in the past. That was many years ago. I barely even think about it anymore. But yes, thankfully,  I've not experienced any crushing heartbreak ever since that. Which is good, because I've not allowed myself to become emotionally invested in anyone unless it could actually be serious. 

Have you remained in contact with Maggie since you decided to be just friends?
 Yes, actually. I have remained in contact with Maggie, as a matter of fact, which is very good. Last Friday, I invited her to an event at a club. Then tomorrow night, we're going to see a play.

That's awesome! The other part of the postscript is that you started dating a single mom. How is that going, especially given what you said in season 2 about not looking to have any children?
 So a woman reached out to me through Instagram. I believe she said she had seen me on the first season of the show. But she also mentioned that a friend of hers showed her my profile on OkCupid. And so when she saw that I was looking for love, she reached out to me on Instagram, and as we were conversing. I met her in person, and she seemed very nice. We were dating from about April to October of last year, 2023.

But ultimately, I actually was the one who said I felt like I could not do it. She had two children from previous relationships. It was not against her. She was a wonderful woman. I absolutely enjoyed being with her, spending time with her. But I knew it just wasn't going to work out. She was a little bit surprised, but she ultimately understood my feelings on the matter. And we actually agreed it was best to sever all contact. So that ended. So, I am, again, single and available. [Laughs.] I am again looking for love.

I was about to ask about that. Are you eager to keep swimming through the dating pool? Or would you rather take time to learn more about yourself and your needs?
 I mean, it's always good to be improving oneself. But I personally do not believe that I need to take time off to better myself in this particular regard. Because of my current age, there's always room for spiritual growth. At my age, I do not need to take too much time off. I'm 36 now. I'm hoping I can find a serious relationship before I'm 40. I know it's not good to set arbitrary deadlines. But at the same time, I don't want to still be single when I'm 40. I'm also trying to find my own house. Again, I don't want to set an arbitrary deadline. But I don't want to still be living with my parents when I'm 40. I want to have my own place before then.

So that being said, if Love on the Spectrum comes back for a season 3, would you be interested in going on again?
 Well, there has not been a third season of the Australian version. So it's not like season three of the American version. But I mean, I'd love to come back. But that just wouldn't look good. I mean, I asked the crew if I looked like I was seeking attention by asking to return to the second season. They said no, I did not. But I almost certainly would look like a glory hound if I tried to return to TV. I'd certainly like to return. But that would definitely make me look self-centered.

So, in the chance of a third season, I probably will not return. I mean, I'd like to, but that just would not look good. It would make me look like I'm an attention seeker. I mean, there's no guarantee they'd bring me back. But if they did bring me back, it would make them look like they were there playing favorites. I'm sure that they don't want to be accused of playing favorites. 

Finally, what advice can each of you give to other people on the spectrum looking to appear in a future season of Love on the Spectrum?
 If anyone else is interested in auditioning for the series, they will certainly be nervous, without a question. But it's very enjoyable. I had a wonderful time. So they just need to relax and be themselves without a question.
Dani: The most important thing is definitely to be your authentic, true self. Express your wants and needs. Don't be afraid to express your truth. Second, most importantly, be safe when you're on dates. Just get to know the person first a little bit; start with the small talk. As Jennifer Cook demonstrated, start with small talks before diving deeper into the conversation. As you get to know the person, it goes back and forth. Take your time by taking five to six dates to get to know the person before you eventually express your love.

Next, here's everything you need to know about the upcoming season of the Netflix reality series The Circle.
