Little Boy's Cute Way of Pronouncing Family Cats' Names Is Downright Precious

If you are really to have your heart absolutely melt you will love this beautiful video shared by a mama showing how her adorable toddler pronounces all the names of the family cats.

You can just tell this little guy has been taught to care for animals at such an early age. It's all just so sweet.

The adorable video was shared by the TikTok account for @Mommaandmeow and everyone wants this little guy to pronounce their own cat's names!

One person commented, "Can you say 'Rudy' it's my cat name and I missed him because I'm away from home for college." Now, that's a pretty sad request as it is, but go grab a Kleenex because they get much sadder! Another person said, "I said goodbye to my 'Babygirl' last week. would he say hi to her for me?"

Related: Toddler Names Grandparents' New Animals and Her Choices Are Perfect

Another person sadly replied, "Oh Pippin. I lost my Pippin in 2020 and I miss him so." Another person hilariously said, "We’re really putting this baby to work in the comments, if he’s on the clock let me know if he can say Misha."

That's so true! This mama needs to start charging for her baby's voiceover talents! I love how this little guy is growing up with cats because having a pet is so wonderful for a child. You can just tell that he's probably so gentle with them and knows how to pet cats properly and never frightens them. It's just wonderful to see.

Why Kids Need Pets

Pets teach kids so many things. <p>Regina Burganova/Shutterstock</p>
Pets teach kids so many things.

Regina Burganova/Shutterstock

Not only is watching your human baby grow up with your fur baby absolutely adorable, studies have shown that been raised with pets helps kids in so many ways.

Kids that are raised with animals learn empathy and compassion at an early age, and how to care for an animal by providing it with food, water, exercise and affection teaches kids responsibility.

Pets give kids unconditional love, and provide a safe listening companion.

Education and child development experts recommend pets for children to improve their academic, personal, and social scores. Evidence shows that children who own pets report better grades.

All the more reason to let your child have the love of a dog or cat in their life.

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