Listen To FIDLAR’s Cover Of Limp Bizkit’s ‘Nookie’

FIDLAR Roars Back to 'Life' on New Dave Sardy-Assisted EP
FIDLAR Roars Back to 'Life' on New Dave Sardy-Assisted EP

Few, if any, would ever associate L.A. surf punks FIDLAR with Limp Bizkit, much less expect the trio to cover the nü-metal group, but today (July 21), FIDLAR has shared a cover of “Nookie,” which you may remember as the lead single from 1999’s Significant Other.

“Limp Bizkit changed my life and this song should be taught at Juilliard,” singer Zac Carper told SPIN.

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Listen to FIDLAR’s version below.

Earlier this year, FIDLAR released its first EP as a trio. Titled That’s Life, it was also the band’s first release in four years.

“At the end of 2019, we were like, ‘Let’s just chill for a second because we’ve been touring literally nonstop for 10 years,’” singer Zac Carper said in March of the EP. “We were just feeling a little burnt out and just needed a little reset. So we wiped all of our social media at midnight on New Year’s Eve, and we were going to disappear and figure out an interesting way to come back. And then it was 2020 and the universe decided we were going to be gone for longer.”

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The post FIDLAR Roars Back to ‘Life’ on New Dave Sardy-Assisted EP appeared first on SPIN.
