What is the Lion’s Gate Portal? All About August 8's Astrology

Masha Raymers

Every year on August 8, an astrological event called the Lion’s Gate Portal "opens" in the sky.

Astrologers consider this an opportune day for manifestation, or concentrating on what you want to make it a reality. Charlotte Kirsten, trauma psychologist, defined manifestation to TODAY as the belief that you can “intentionally create your reality through beliefs or pattern actions.”

Think of the opening of the Lion's Gate portal as a day reserved for the practice of manifestation — a cosmic pat on the back, aligned with August's other astrology.

Here's what to know about the Lion's Gate Portal.

What is the Lion's Gate Portal?

The Lion's Gate Portal is like a cosmic holiday, occurring every year when a certain alignment happens in the sky.

The Lion's Gate Portal marks the alignment of the sun in Leo, the star Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky), the constellation Orion’s Belt and the Earth. Within astrology, the fixed star Sirius is said to have the expansive qualities of the planet Jupiter and the drive to get those things done of the planet Mars — hence a day for manifesting.

When is the Lion's Gate Portal? The date has a numerological significance

The portal is “open” between July 26 and August 12. However, its powers are most potent on August 8, which is known by some as the Galactic New Year.

The significance of the date (August 8, or 8/8) shouldn’t be overlooked. Within numerology — in which individual digits are imbued with meanings — the number 8 means wealth, luck, and good vibes. Plus, when turned sideways, 8 represents the symbol for infinity. It represents abundance, which might relate to what you're manifesting.

Here’s what you should manifest, based on your zodiac sign


Celebrate your inner child by connecting with creative side. Whether you choose to stitch lanyard, make cushions, or draw portraits, the one thing that’s certain is that you’ll be able to connect with your inner spirit. Let your awesomeness pour out and onto the canvas.


Home is where your heart needs to be right now. Spend your time making your dwelling feel cozy. Doing this will automatically change the vibe and energy of your home, making it feel more like a sacred space for yourself and family to live in.


Connecting to a local humanitarian project will lift your spirit. Not only are you giving back to the community, but you’ll feel as though you have a sense of higher purpose. After all, there truly is no greater act of kindness than giving back to society and others. Be sure to give your time and energy to a great cause.


Looking for a sense of security and stability? During the Lion's Gate Portal, try out a ritual: Place basil under your bed every night) to beckon in a place of ease and in solace.


Self-discovery is right around the corner, Leo. You may be amazed by all the things you’re finding out about yourself. This is the beginning of the most important love affair that you’ll ever have — and it’s with yourself. Enjoy getting to know and understand yourself on a deeper level. Let the journey towards caring for yourself begin now.


Right now, the cosmos is shedding light on your subconscious mind and urging you to heal the past or any wounds that are resurfacing at the moment. The road to recovering could take time, which is why it’s important to be gentle with yourself. Don’t rush the process. Allow yourself to feel your deepest emotions as you remedy your heart.


What are your goals for the future? If you’re unsure, then now is the perfect time to sit down and think about what you want to attain. The more energy you give towards considering your aspirations, the clearer your path will be. Your spirit will soar due to the fact that you’re aligned with your truth.


Work is what's on your mind these days — particularly the direction of your career. Instead of overthinking what career moves to make, choose a path that speaks to your inner voice. Move toward what you love in order to feel fulfilled, whether it's in work or your personal life.


You’re always looking at the big picture. Try to take a step back and analyze the facts before making assumptions. You never know what truth will be revealed — especially if you look at things with your clear, discerning eye, free from illusions.


Sometimes it’s hard to do what’s right. Setting boundaries with friends and family may not be as easy as you think, but you’ll be the one who’s free of manipulation and guilt in the end. Creating limits with others will define the structure of the relationship and allow you to be free from the constraints that people put on you.


If you’re looking for love, this can be a magical time to meet someone with whom you can share a lasting relationship. If you are deep in a commitment, the partnership could strengthen now. As long as you’re clear about what you want to bring into your relationship, then it’ll reach new heights and strengthen the bond you share.


Your mind can run a mile a minute when you are stressed out, which is why it’s important to take a minute and relax. Quiet your space and mind by closing your eyes and meditating. Breathe your problems and negativity out, then breathe in positivity. This will add a sense of calm and good vibes to your life.

Disclaimer: Astrology is not based in science. These posts are not intended to act as a directive.
