Yes, Black Women Can Use Self-Tan Too

Photo credit: RuslanDashinsky - Getty Images
Photo credit: RuslanDashinsky - Getty Images

Before a few months ago, I never knew Black women tanned. I know that sounds absurd to say, but tanning has always seemed to be a beauty practice exclusively associated with non-Black people, especially considering most tanning or self-tan products have been marketed by white people.

So when I saw #blackwomentanning trending on TikTok earlier this summer, I was amazed to see so many Black women using self-tanning products to achieve even-toned and glowy skin. It's a result that many of us seek to achieve by sitting for hours outside in the sun—but if I can get that look by buying an under-$10 product from my local drugstore, I'm all in. “Black people do tan, they just don't really talk about it,” Sabrina Johnson, founder of Gold Trim Tans tells WH. “Tanning is a great way to amplify your care and yourself in general.”

Meet our expert: Sabrina Johnson, founder of Gold Trim Tans

Johnson describes tanning as makeup for the body: similar to how you'd wear foundation to even out your skin, self-tan products are designed to brighten and even your skin color.

“[Tanning] gives people an opportunity to take their look to the next level,” she says. “We have all kinds of stuff in our skincare, whether it's lashes or brow tinting that lasts several days, so we're not having to reapply all the time. You can think of self-tanning or spray tanning as adding an extra glow to your skin to help you curate that look, however you please.”

Despite its simple purpose, applying self-tanner can be a bit complicated, especially if you're a first-timer. Luckily, Johnson lays out everything you need to know about wearing (and applying!) a self-tanner before you break out your tanning mitt and crack open that bottle TikTok made you buy.

How can people with darker skin benefit from using self-tanner?

Aside from self-tanners being able to add a little extra glow to your skin, they can also help even out the skin and cover up conditions like hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, and vitiligo.

“Self-tanner doesn't discriminate, so once you apply it, whatever skin it's in contact with will get darker,” Johnson says. “So if you have darker stretch marks, it will make them look darker. But overall, in my experience, I've noticed that [tanning] helps camouflage the appearance of stretch marks altogether.”

That said, if you do have dark stretch marks or any kind of discoloration and want to camouflage the skin, you’ll have to choose a product with a shade that's closest to your skin. Johnson recommends drugstore brands like Bondi Sands or Jergens, as they have more inclusive shades for Black and brown people and are affordable.

What type of self-tanner should I use?

That depends on what you’re looking for. Tanning lotions will “gradually build up your tan and maintain its color” if you apply them daily, says Johnson says. Then there's tanning mousse, which is typically a foam bronzer that is applied with a mitt or glove and is worn for six to eight hours before showering off. Other self-tanners include tanning waters and tanning droplets, two low-effort products that’ll give you a temporary daily tan.

You can also use tanning beds, but Johnson recommends avoiding them as they use UV lights, which cause skin damage and cancer. That said, if you'd rather take the "self" out of self-tanning, you can also head to a salon where a professional can spray it onto your skin. Just be sure to check the Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) percentage—this is the main ingredient that stains your amino acids and browns your skin—as anything under 12 percent won’t be dark enough to tan your skin.

Tips for applying self-tanner

The number one rule to wearing a self-tanner is to complete a patch test, Johnson says. Not only will a patch test ensure you’re not allergic to the product, but it will also determine if the self-tanner is too light or dark for you.

After testing the self-tanner on your skin for 24 hours with no side effects, you’re good to start prepping for use on the rest of your skin. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Prep your skin: Johnson recommends that you exfoliate and/or shave at least 24 hours before application. Try not to exfoliate with oil-based scrubs as the oil can live in your skin for days and prevent the tan from sticking to your skin. “[For] the day of, you’ll want to rinse off any lotion, makeup, and deodorant at least two hours before you start,” she says. “Do a cold rinse at the end of your shower, give your skin time to cool down, and stop sweating.” If your skin sweats, the tanner won’t be absorbed.

  • Apply the self-tanner according to the product instructions: If you don't follow the instructions exactly as listed, you risk the chance of your tan fading earlier, appearing streaky, or not showing up on your skin at all.

  • What you do post-application matters too: You'll have to wear most tanning lotions for extended periods of time before you can rinse them off, but that usually depends on what product you’re using, how dark you want your tan to appear, and how long you want it to last, Johnson says. You'll also have to wait at least eight hours to wear light clothing, exfoliate, exercise, breastfeed, shower, or hug your pet without the product transferring. Sounds intense, right?

What's the best way to remove self-tanner?

That’s the easier part. Johnson says most tans fade naturally after three or four days, but if you want to remove a tan ASAP, a tan removal product or a paste consisting of baking soda, lemon, and oil will work.

Ultimately, tanning can do wonders for your skin and appearance, but it’s not an easy process anyone should try by themselves without any prior knowledge. You can get that desired dewy look, but trust me, you'll work for it. Of course, if you're lazy like me and want to achieve a nice glow with minimal effort, you can always fake it and take pictures during the golden hour—not the same effect as a self-tanning product but close enough.

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