Woman ‘pranks’ sister-in-law with something she’s ‘deathly afraid of’: ‘I began to cry’

A woman with a cat phobia is furious over her sister-in-law’s prank.

She explained the situation on Reddit’s “Am I the A******? (AITA)” forum. She is “deathly afraid of cats” but married into a family of cat lovers. Her husband doesn’t mind, and even “protects” her when they’re around cats.

His sister, however, hasn’t been able to let it go. The sister-in-law insists the Reddit poster is missing out on cats. Now the sister-in-law has even started telling the Reddit poster’s children about how great cats are.

“My kids are very young and easily influenced and have been asking me for a cat for weeks now,” she explained.

But she had the last straw after a recent “prank” at her sister-in-law’s house. Her sister-in-law and son lured her into a small storage room and made the cat brush up on her.

“I began to cry, hyperventilate and I can’t even remember what happened,” she wrote.

The fed-up mom banned her sister-in-law from seeing her children altogether.

“She immediately started to cry and said that she just thought my fear of cats was silly and that if she made my kids show me, then I’d be more understanding,” the Reddit poster wrote. “I just told her that she has her cat.”

Redditors thought the sister completely crossed the line.

“Phobias need to be respected,” a user commented.

“If she was really trying to help you, she wouldn’t have done this,” another said.

“Your SIL knew you wouldn’t find this funny and used your kid as an instrument to humiliate you,” a Redditor poster wrote.

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