Your Weekly Horoscope: September 2 to 8, 2024


This week is motivating us to get our acts together. On Tuesday, September 3, the Virgo new moon darkens our night skies. We're allowed to hit the emotional reset button and try again. In the realm of Virgo, La Luna urges us to set intentions to be more intentional, detail-oriented, and responsible. Our daily routines become our overall life experience. The standards we accept from ourselves become who we are.

The following day, Wednesday, September 4, determined Mars enters Cancer. Mars, the planet of stimulation and self-preservation, is not in its prime in Cancer. We may feel confused, lost, or disoriented keeping on track with tasks. However, our best selves and actions will come out naturally in interpersonal dynamics. Becoming protective of our loved ones, this transit allows us to fight for who and what we love.

Key Astrological Dates This Week

Take note of these dates in your calendar to work with, not against, the cosmic energy.

  • Tuesday, September 3: Virgo new moon

  • Wednesday, September 4: Mars enters Cancer

Weekly Horoscopes from September 2 to 8, 2024, for Each Zodiac Sign


You've likely felt motivated to speak your mind lately. However, the tides shift. Mars, your planetary ruler, enters Cancer this Wednesday. You're feeling more reserved and careful about sharing your innermost emotions. As you feel more moody, be mindful before reacting. Allow emotions to ebb and flow rather than take them too seriously, too soon.


On Tuesday, a new moon in fellow Earth sign, Virgo, sets you up for success. You're eager to make your mark on the world. As your romantic sector is hit, you're likely to focus on setting intentions around love and dating matters. Fresh, emotional breakthroughs grant you the ability to prioritize your time and energy effectively.


As the Virgo new moon hits on Tuesday, you'll feel motivated to make shifts in your career life. Professional aims need to excite you again. The universe facilitates emotional breakthroughs, promising another shot at success. Take your goals and legacy seriously this week.


As Mars enters your sign on Wednesday, you're feeling restless. Time is of the essence. You're ready to make your mark and chase what you desire. Trust your excitement. However, you don't need to come off overly aggressive to get what you want. Be direct, not pushy.


As Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, your subconscious sector is hit. You may feel uncomfortable at first. However, as the week progresses, you may find opportunities to transcend limiting patterns. Trust your intuition. It will be trying to convey spiritual omens and messages through your daily life and dreams. Take note.

Related: The Most Psychic, Intuitive Moon Signs


As the new moon hits on Tuesday, in your sign, blessings transpire. You're ready to start fresh. Putting yourself first, everything else falls into place. You're feeling confident after hitting the reset button. While you may not entirely know what's coming next, it's apparent that self-love and awareness are the essential ingredients you've been missing.


As Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, you'll feel motivated in your career. Others see you as reliable, capable of swift movements and quick turnaround times. As work-life changes suddenly, allow yourself to set appropriate boundaries. You're not a machine. You need time to take care of your emotional and mental health, too.


Scorpio, your traditional planetary ruler, Mars, enters Cancer on Wednesday. You may feel more coy, reserving conversation with close, loved ones. It's okay to prioritize your family above all else. While you navigate this week, remember that it's okay to say no to take care of personal life matters.

Related: 6 Surprising Zodiac Sign Pairings That Work


The Virgo new moon hits on Tuesday. Sagittarius, you're feeling especially blessed this lunation. Why? You're ready to raise the bar of what it means to be successful. Your friendships and social circles feel re-energized. In turn, your goals, aims, and hopes for the future are invigorated.


As Mars enters Cancer this Wednesday, your relationships are impacted. You're chasing who and what you want in partnerships unapologetically. Wearing your heart on your sleeve makes you a warrior of love. However, remember that every healthy connection upholds boundaries. Codependency isn't the same as true love.

Related: The Most Sassy Zodiac Signs


You're ready to set intentions that will shift your intimate relationships. Prepping for emotional transformation, the universe graces you with a soulful makeover. Your relationships can grow. This Tuesday, the Virgo new moon hits. In turn, you're able to let go of past emotional baggage that's been holding you back from true vulnerability.


The Virgo new moon peaks on Wednesday. Pisces, your relationships are renewed. Commitments are implemented under new agreements, terms, and perspectives. As you hit the emotional reset button, partners get on the same page. Whether romantic, platonic, family, or professional, your interpersonal dynamics will shift in a mature manner.

Related: What's Your Angel Number, Based on Zodiac Sign
