Water-Loving Husky Refuses to Get Out of the Pool and It’s Too Funny

Shutterstock/Ratthaphong Ekariyasap

Do you have a water loving dog? If so, you might have a hard time keeping them out of the pool, and they might even refuse to get out of it when it's time for pool time to be over! That's definitely the case with Blue, a Siberian Husky who loves the water and refuses to stay out of the pool even after dad gets him out of it!

The video was shared on Sunday, August 25th and shows Blue's dad trying to chase him around the pool to get them out so they can go home. It's clear Blue is not ready to go and gives his dad a run for his money! Make sure your sound is on so you can hear what dad is saying to Blue...the whole thing is funny!

I cracked up at his absolute refusal! Dad would get him out and Blue would go right back in. Talk about a stubborn water-loving pooch! Commenters had a lot to say about the funny video. One commenter wondered, "Is Blue treat motivated? Maybe get him treats??? Or pretend to leave him. That’s what I’d do. Possibly because my dog hates being alone that it works!!!" and Blue's human replied, "Nothing beats the pool!" @Fatima pointed out, "Titan is like I’m done with you. I want to go home." and @Charlie Aksel added, "I think blue likes the chasing game more than the actual pool LOL!"

Related: Husky’s Excitement Over Human Getting Out the Kiddie Pool Is Full of Sweetness

Do Huskies Like to Swim?

Like Labrador Retrievers and Goldens, Huskies love the water and have a water-resistant double coat to keep them warm. Though they're not natural swimmers, many of them do love to swim and play in the water - I haven't seen one yet who doesn't like the water!

There are a few things to be aware of when it comes to Huskies and swimming. Swimming causes them to use muscles that they don't normally use, so they can easily become fatigued. Keep an eye on them, and monitor them, especially in deep water.

Cold water can cause them to exert extra energy to remain warm, so make sure that they aren't showing signs of fatigue. These signs may include heavy panting like they can't catch their breath, tongue flopping out of the mouth, lack of desire to get back in the water, listlessness, or refusing to move out of the shade. If you're doing is giving any of these signals, pool time might be over, and you might want to consider bringing them inside to the air conditioning to cool down. They were bred to live in extreme cold, and don't do well in prolonged heat.

Anytime you put a dog in the pool or other large body of water, make sure to keep them supervised to ensure their safety. Or get in with them and splash around so you can both enjoy pool time!

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