Want Better-Tasting Morning Brew? Try Cleaning Your Coffee Maker.

For most people, the coffee maker is a sacred appliance tasked with providing the day’s critical caffeine supply. And while the coffee maker gets a ton of use for this reason, it doesn’t actually receive as much care as it should. If you clean your coffee maker regularly, we stand corrected—but we’d be willing to bet you don’t. You’re not alone, though. Until we did our research, we weren’t maintaining our coffee makers properly, either. But once you know, you’ll never go back to your old ways.

According to an NSF International study, the reservoir of a coffee maker is the fifth germiest place in the home. Yeast and mold were found in half of the makers tested, which really shouldn’t come as a surprise. The warm, moist environment of most reservoirs is ideal for such microbes, as well as other germs and bacteria, to grow. We can all agree this is pretty off-putting, but it can also be harmful, especially to those with allergies and asthma.

