Tiny Orange Maine Coon Kittens Can't Wait to Hop Into Bath With Mom

Shutterstock / Sharon Shaw

My cat used to sit on the closed lid of the toilet while I was bathing my small children, crying piteously as if I was subjecting them to torture. And maybe, in her mind, I was. She certainly likes to perform her daily bathing rituals from dry land—the higher up, the better. And of course, she only uses her tongue. But Not all cats are as water-averse as my felines. Some are actually known for their seemingly uncharacteristic love of water—like Maine coons.

And this video of two Maine Coon kittens show that the trait appears early in their lives.

In this video a pair of tiny orange Maine Coon kittens are also crying that their human is taking a bath—but in this case, they aren’t worried about her well-being. No, they seem to want to get in, too.

Related: 5-Second Video of Maine Coon Kitten Growing Over 230 Days Is Incredible

Do Cats Ever Like Water?

Despite the widely held opinion that cats do not like water, many cats do in fact like to bathe and even go swimming. Some even enjoy water sports!

Obviously, this varies greatly among cats. Some breeds, like Maine Coons and also Turkish vans, are known for their love of swimming. Others, like the hairless Sphynx cat must get used to being bathed in a bathtub as their specialized genetics require regular dips to keep their skin clean and smelling fresh. But even your average mixed breed domestic cat can have a personality suited toward the aquatic—as long as you make the activity run for them.

The trick to getting your cat used to the water is to go slow and be patient, and of course—to make swimming an activity that they find enjoyable, instead of terrifying. When taking your cat swimming remember that felines have very thin skin and cats can get hypothermia very easily.

All About the Maine Coon Cat

Maine Coons are a popular breed of cat known for their enormous size, keen intelligence, and open, affectionate behavior and personality. They are described as “gentle giants” whose dog-like love of performing tricks and activities like swimming can win over even those who say they are not “cat people.”

Maine Coon cats are often not considered fully grown until they are several years old, so these little guys have a long way to go before they reach the enormous proportions that make the breed so popular all over the world. The breed is also known for being incredibly chatty and more vocal than most cats—though the rule with kitties is that the second anyone claims that cats do or don’t like something, one will pop up that definitely does the opposite of that.

Maine Coons are also considered to be one of the most “sociable” of cat breeds, with “chatty” personalities. They love their human families and considered a good cat to keep around children.

Maybe your cat is secretly a swimmer and you didn’t know about it. Maybe they are just bath time-curious like the kittens here. Or maybe they are like my cat, and view running water as a substance every bit as toxic to them as it was to the Witch in Oz. You never know until you try.

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