Spotify now has playlists for your dog


If there's one thing Spotify users love more than unlimited skips, offline downloads and deals with Hulu, it's their pets.

A new survey from the music service found that 71 percent of pet owners around the world play music for their pets, and almost 50 percent of pet owners say that their pet even has a preference for certain songs, artists and genres.

And it's a relationship that Spotify can get in on.

On Wednesday, the company announced that they were now offering curated Pet Playlists, available for more than cat and dog owners. Even parents to iguanas, hamsters and birds can participate in the algorithmic playlist curation, which selects songs based on your pet's personality. Whether you have a parrot who likes to jam out to techno or a hyperactive mutt that is only soothed by classical music, Spotify's Pet Playlist offers a 30-song list for your furbaby.

Spotify issued the help of celebrated musicologist David Teie, a cellist with America's National Symphony Orchestra, to learn about how the animals may respond to certain noises and notes. For example, canines don't respond well to music in lower registers, so those types of songs aren't included.

The survey also found that most pet owners think that music can help their pets relieve stress and anxiety. And although some may be skeptical of these findings, experts say there may be some correlation between music and your pet's mood. Do a quick sweep of Youtube and you'll find that certain pet owners swear by spa music to help their pets through things like thunderstorms or fireworks displays.

In fact, a 2012 study published by researchers at Colorado State University focused on the psychological stress of 117 kennel dogs and found that classical music helped them sleep and led to less vocalization. However, heavy metal music led to noticeable body shaking and nervousness.

"Some studies show that music that falls within a classical, jazz, R&B, or reggae genre often can help dogs relax because of the slow, easy beat that sets the pace of the music," pet expert Erin Askeland, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA of Camp Bow Wow said to AOL Lifestyle. "This slower beat can help with relaxation because it aids in slowing the heartbeat and respiration, two things that can increase with anxiety and stress."

"On the other end of the spectrum, hard rock, rap, metal, or other music with fast beats and abrupt transitions could potentially increase anxiety or incite energy in animals because of the fast rhythm," Askeland added.

Askeland says that while curated music might be beneficial for pets, owners should not be playing the songs for hours on end.

"It’s also important to understand that playing calming music for a pet is more effective when used intermittently rather than all of the time, as animals can begin to habituate to the sounds and tune it out, which makes the calming effect unremarkable," she concluded.
