Schnauzer Adorably ‘Gaslights’ Mom Every Time She Tries to Leave the House

Shutterstock/Anna Tretyak

If you're a mom, you know all about mom guilt, especially when you have to leave your kids - or fur baby - while they are begging you not to. Scotty is an adorable mini-Schnauzer who doesn't like it when mom leaves the house, and he has no problem making her feel bad about it. His mom shared a video in mid-May showing just how dramatic he acts every time she leaves the house, and I actually felt bad for him!

Scotty is standing by the door, begging mom not to go. He whines and looks at her with those puppy dog eyes, pleading with her to either stay or take him with her. He doesn't even stop when he hears the word 'treat'! Talk about a master manipulator!

The struggle is real! All moms and pet parents know how manipulative our babies can be when they want or don't want something! I actually felt bad for Scotty since you could tell he was getting anxious. Commenters had a lot to say about the video. @Kelly shared, "This must be a schnauzer thing cause my Schnauzer Yorkie mix does this." @Jose Carda gets it, too, "My schnauzer Abby does this and yells at me when come back home!" @Sup was relieved, "Okay I’m glad mine isn’t the only one like this." and Scotty's mom replied, "Nope! It’s in their DNA LOL!"

Related: Video Shows Mama Schnauzer Hilariously Scared of Her Puppies When It’s Time for Them to Eat

More About Schnauzers

I have been writing about pets for a couple of years now, and this is the first time I've written about a Schnauzer! While they might not be one of the most popular dog breeds out there, they do have their fans.

There are three varieties of Schnauzers including mini, standard, and giant. Another Pet Helpful article shares the size differences between the three, "The miniature schnauzer stands about 12 to 14 inches tall and weighs between 13 and 15 pounds. According to AKC standards, the standard schnauzer should stand between 17.5 and 19.5 inches tall and weigh between 35 and 45 pounds. The giant schnauzer should stand 23.5 to 27.5 inches tall and weigh anywhere between 65 and 90 pounds."

Standard colors for the majority of schnauzers are either black or salt and pepper. The miniature schnauzer also comes in black and silver. Their coats are hard and wiry and need to be hand-stripped at least twice a year. They only shed minimally, so you don't have to worry about finding hair on your furniture and clothing.

All three are very playful and like to be active. They can be stubborn at times but are still relatively easy to train. "Positive reinforcement training techniques work best, keeping them interested—they tend not to exhibit their stubbornness when training is fun." They get along well with children and are not aggressive towards other dogs.

Schnauzers were bred to be guard dogs, and you can expect those behaviors from the giant and standard dogs. The mini won't necessarily step up as a guard dog, but as with most small dog breeds, they tend to bark a lot, especially at strangers.

Is a Schnauzer right for your family? If you're considering one, make sure to do your research to learn all about the pros and cons of the breed to determine if it's a good fit for your family and lifestyle.

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