San Diego Police Officers Rescue Senior Dog From Drainage Pipe and Reunite Him with Family

Brook Robinson/Shutterstock

When you think about a 'dog rescue story,' you may be thinking about a stray dog finding their second lease on life when brought to the animal shelter. Maybe you think of a rescue dog you know and what happened on their journey, but sometimes, 'dog rescue' means something else entirely.

Just ask Rocky the Golden Retriever! This sweet senior dog found himself in a precarious situation back in February, and officers from the Humane Law Enforcement team in San Diego wasted no time jumping into action. Later, on April 18, the San Diego Humane Society shared an officer's bodycam footage from the heartwarming rescue in an effort to spotlight the selfless work the Humane Law Enforcement officers do every day. Check out how they helped Rocky find his way back into his family's arms!

These folks are heroes to so many animals like Rocky and the people who love them. Whether they're investigating a potential neglect case or helping a pet out of a tough spot, there's zero doubt that they are passionate about what they do. The female officer who approached the scared senior dog is the perfect example!

Related: California Lifeguards Rescue Small Dog From the Ocean and Hope to Find Its Humans

It's so touching to see the way she takes her time and speaks softly to the scared dog. She moves slowly in case he's hurt or afraid, and she knows the best techniques for keeping him safe, comfortable, and calm. In the end, the rescued Golden Retriever was totally unharmed after his ordeal, and it's largely thanks to the diligence of this officer and her team.

Commenter @elbrus2501 had it right when she called these officers "heroes." Their dedication to the animals they rescue every day pays off in the most beautiful ways. Thanks to them, Rocky and his worried family were quickly reunited!

What is Humane Law Enforcement?

Humane Law Enforcement officers like the ones in this video are "employed by a humane society or SPCA" and are responsible for many animal welfare concerns that local law enforcement receives. They often investigate calls about potential animal abuse or neglect, and they enforce animal welfare rules such as leash laws. They may even help with educating the public about animals and the legalities of pet ownership!

An Animal Control officer, on the other hand, is typically employed by law enforcement or local government. Their responsibility is to protect the safety of both people and animals in regard to animal-related concerns. They share many of the same duties as a Humane Law Enforcement Officer, including stray dog rescues, animal hoarding calls, and heroic dog rescues like Rocky's.

To Humane Law Enforcement and Animal Control officers everywhere--thank you for everything you do!

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