Man’s Daring Rescue of Cat From Ledge 47 Floors up Is Making People’s Palms Sweat

Shuttesrtock/Dima Aslanian

Buckle up because this story that Digital Bromad shared about how he rescued a cat 47 stories up is just wild! He shared the video on Thursday, May 16th as proof to his roommate about how he "met the girl in 4710." It's only a minute long, but it's the condensed version of what actually happened.

I'm not sure why Bromad was on the 47th floor in the first place but I'm guessing that's the floor he lives on. It starts with him walking towards the windows at the end of the hall where he sees a grey cat he's never seen before just chilling outside on the window's ledge. You can see how high up they are based on the buildings outside of the window. Yikes! Watch as he meets the girl in 4710 and how the two work together to save her cat before it fell.

I would've been terrified that the cat would jump! It didn't seem to be afraid at all, and I'm glad Digital Bromad was there to help his neighbor and save the cat. People left more than a thousand comments, many saying how they would've been freaking out. I laughed at @queensfinest24's comment, "One hand grab with the phone in the other is top tier!" @Michael Bornhorst joked, "He put that cat out there to meet her." @Cam31502 wasn't wrong when she said, "This is the beginning of a Hallmark movie or a romance novel!"

Related: Abused Cat Found at Rest Stop Is Given the Most Fitting Name

The Agility of Cats

If there's one thing that we all know, it's that cats are very agile and flexible. I guess that probably explains how 4710's cat ended up on the wrong side of the window in the first place! There's a reason that cats are so agile and Houdini-like and it has to do with their vertebrae. explains, "Cats have a well-adapted physiology for flexibility and agility. They have cushioned vertebrae that can twist and flex, long tails for balance, and loose shoulder blades for long strides and bursts of speed. Their handily small clavicles allow them to squeeze through tiny gaps, and their inner ear controls their famed ability to land on their feet."

They also explain why cats need to be so agile and flexible. "Their hunting strategy relies on two things. Firstly, stealthy stalking requires agility and grace, as well as sneaking through small spaces. Secondly, an agile and powerful pounce to catch their unsuspecting prey unawares."

Their tails also play an important role in their agility since the tail helps with balance, as well as climbing and jumping. And their little toe beans act as shock absorbers to help when they land after jumping down from great heights.

I'm glad that this cat was able to be saved! Had the cat moved too much it could've accidentally fallen to its death. I think that the cat knew that Broman was trying to help him, and that he appreciated the save.

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