James Charles apologizes for subtweeting Alicia Keys and her new beauty line

On Wednesday, August 5, Charles took to Twitter to call out celebrities who launch makeup brands when they don’t even wear makeup. Though he never mentioned anyone by name, many people assumed that Charles was calling out Alicia Keys, who recently announced a partnership with E.l.f. Beauty. In 2016, the Grammy award-winning singer famously declared in Lena Dunham’s Lenny Letter that she was going makeup-free indefinitely. so her decision to partner with E.l.f. to create a “lifestyle beauty brand” had many people confused — including, it seems, James Charles. Regardless, Charles still quickly deleted his tweet and apologized for his outburst, noting that it was “childish”. After doing some research, Charles added that he should’ve “read more before tweeting,” since Keys’ collaboration will focus on “skincare”. Many of Charles’ fans are proud of him for owning up to his mistake
