Ina Garten's Upcoming Memoir Reveals Her "Difficult" Childhood

the 2019 new yorker festival ina garten talks with helen rosner
Ina Garten Just Debuted The Cover Of Her MemoirBrad Barket - Getty Images

Although we've been waiting (rather impatiently) for the release of Ina Garten's upcoming memoir, Be Ready When the Luck Happens, for months now, the Barefoot Contessa just revealed some surprising tea about the project.

On Tuesday, Garten officially debuted the cover of her upcoming book in an exclusive with People Magazine and in the process revealed that she almost didn't write it at all.

"I just didn't think anybody would find my life that interesting," she admitted in an interview with the outlet. However, it was her friend and collaborator on the book Deborah Davis who convinced her otherwise.

"She said, 'Somebody's going to write your memoir and it should be you.' I thought, 'Oh, my God, she's right.'"

The highly-anticipated release, which hits bookshelves on October 1, will reportedly detail Garten's turbulent childhood—which she, herself, has described as a "difficult" period in her life—as well as her relationship with longtime husband Jeffrey.

"Writing this book was a completely new experience for me. There is no recipe for writing a memoir, and the process helped me see that what happened to me in my 20s and 30s prepared me for what was to come," Garten wrote on social media. "I’m so looking forward to sharing my story with you!"

Fans were unsurprisingly thrilled over the sneak peak, too. Her Instagram comment section was flooded with anticipation. "Does it come with a cosmopolitan and a roast chicken? Congratulations Ina," one person wrote, while another chimed in, "Why am I tearing up right now? Ina, you are a gem and have touched our lives in the most beautiful, meaningful way. I cannot wait to read this treasure."

"This book is going to be extra special," a third user added.

Now if it feels like we've been waiting for Garten's book release forever that's because it's been nearly five years since the television personality first teased the news. In 2019, she announced plans for the project and said she was hoping that her personal journey would "inspire readers to find their own unique story."

"By finding a way to do what I love for a living—cooking—I’ve been fortunate to build a career that has not only been incredibly rewarding but has brought people together through the power of home cooking. I hope my book will inspire readers to find their own unique story," Garten said in a statement with Celadon Books, which is a division of Macmillan Publishers.

And while Be Ready When the Luck Happens marks the debut of her first memoir, Garten is no stranger to the publishing world. She's written 13 cookbooks, including Modern Comfort Food, Cooking for Jeffrey, Barefoot in Paris, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, and so many more.

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