Ikea's New Cat Houses Are So Cute People Can't Take It

Two of the absolute greatest things in the world are cats and books. Anyone who has ever owned both of these things can tell you that at one time or another, their cat has jumped up on the bookcase and either knocked over some books or else made themselves cozy on the shelf.

Well, the brilliant designers at IKEA have created a way for cats and their humans to not only enjoy their book collection, but to give their cats a cozy hiding spot amongst their novels.

The TikTok video, posted by @katieandbabyluna has everyone ready to open their wallets. One person said, "Finally! They can stop digging my boxes out and squeezing in the smallest holes." Another added, "My cat has everything and more and still I would to IKEA and buy more for his majesty." Same! Someone else replied, "For a second I thought woah how big are these cats?! And then I remembered about dogs." LOL! Always forgetting that they now have dog items too.

Related: IKEA Releases New Pet Collection and It's Even Better Than It Sounds

The IKEA UTSÅDD collection features a few different cat house options for your bookcases, and as someone who has a gazillion books and a few cats, I'd love nothing more than to have an entire wall of these shelves with the cat boxes in them for my books and cats! Now that would be a dream, I tell you. Sadly, some of the cat enclosures are sold out online so we will either have to wait for a restock or start scouring second-hand resellers to get our and our cat's paws on them! Listen IKEA if you want to come to my house and build one of these units for me and my cats, call me.

Why Cats Love Hiding So Much

The IKEA cat houses are far more stylish. " <p>Prystai/Shutterstock</p>
The IKEA cat houses are far more stylish. "


Whether you are giving your cat a cardboard box to play in or one of these IKEA UTSÅDD Cat houses, there are some pretty valid reasons your feline friend loves small, enclosed spaces so much.

Cats are predators and hiding in boxes where they can hide and and feel safe is an instinctive behavior.

Purina explains it like this " Cats use boxes as hiding places where predators can’t sneak up on them from the side or behind. If your cat is in a box, any “intruders” like prey, humans or other pets have to come directly into their field of vision, meaning nothing can surprise them.

Cats also love being up high and surveying their kingdom below them so placing one of these boxes in an elevated bookshelf means your cat can gaze down upon their domain and see what's going on while also being cozy.

Whoever designed these awesome IKEA cat house certainly knew what they were doing!

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