Hooters waitress shares the 'bits' she loves to use on customers: 'l’m gonna get weird with it'

When it comes to service jobs, everyone has their own particular style of interacting with customers. But few have an approach quite like a woman named Charity (@charityy_harris), who works as a server at her local Hooters restaurant.

In a recent viral video, Charity shares a list of jokes she likes to try out on customers she’s serving. Presumably, she does this to lighten the mood and help pass the time; but whatever the real reason, all that seems to matter to Charity is that she gets a massive kick out of it.

First up is a bit she refers to as “we are out.” While this one can be applied to basically anything, Charity usually uses it whenever customers ask for a glass of water.

“I’ll hit ’em with a ‘OMG, no one told you? We just ran out of water,'” the TikToker says.

Next up is her “princess” routine.

While delivering food and beverages to her tables, she’ll casually work the term “princess” into conversation, and because the majority of her tables are usually full of “dudes,” this one can be especially fun.

“Here you go, princess. Here’s your drink, princess,” she’ll often say to her male customers. “Food look alright, princess? You doing alright, princess?”

Another thing she does for tables full of guys is say, “Y’all miss me?” whenever she comes back to check on them. Or, if they’re trying to flag her down for something, she’ll jokingly say, “What do you want now?”

Charity has also waited on large parties that can sometimes get out of hand. So, if she has a big table where someone says something sassy, she’ll give them the silent treatment and say, “We’re fighting now. I’m not talking to you for the next two minutes.”

“And if they try and talk, I’ll look at their friends and be like, ‘Do you hear something?'” Charity shares.

Last but definitely not least is the bit Charity uses when her table is getting ready to leave.

“When people ask for the tab, I’ll look at them and be like, ‘OMG, I didn’t tell you? I actually kind of like you guys, and I came to the conclusion you can’t leave. Uh, I’m sorry,'” Charity says.

She throws in an extra one she forgot to write on her list, but it’s become a personal fave: After putting in a customer’s order, she usually tells them, “OK, in the meantime, if you need anything, just cacaw.”

A lot of people found the waitress’s routine to be hilarious and adorable.

“I worked at hooters and twin peaks and these are my exact bits,” someone else shared.

Several others said they, too, call tables full of guys “princesses” or “ladies,” and it’s always a hit.

“I love bits,” one person confessed. “I just told a girl I liked her name and without hesitation she said, ‘I got it for my birthday.’ was dead.”

“My favorite bit as a server is handing the check to the baby/little kid at the table,” someone shared.

Meanwhile, this post seemed to be inspiring future servers/performers with equally quirky senses of humor.

“I’m about to start as a server, never done it before but l’m gonna get weird with it,” one person shared.

In the end, though, there was really just one thing people wanted to know above all else: What are her tips like?

“How good are you tips because I want to be sassy,” one person asked.

“sooo good I’m not even going to lie,” the TikToker confessed.

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The post Hooters waitress shares the ‘bits’ she loves to use on customers, and others in the service industry love it appeared first on In The Know.

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