Heartbreaking Video of Dog Who Doesn't Realize She's Being Surrendered Has People Gutted

CC andysavchenko/Shutterstock

It's unthinkable to imagine giving up your dog, but it happens. People give up their pets for all sorts of reasons, but one person online was having a hard time witnessing the cutest dog get the boot. The pup was going to a high-kill shelter, meaning that she was most likely seeing the last few moments of the dog's life.

The thought is crushing. But with many shelters operating at capacity, shelters that haven't vowed to not kill their occupants might resort to the worst.

Kayla Winrow was at the shelter picking up her foster dog when she saw the pup being surrendered by their owner. The dog had no clue what was about to happen to her. It really was the saddest thing.

Related: 'Diamond in the Rough' Dog at Rural California Shelter Only Wants to Be Loved

"She doesn't even know her owner is surrendering her to a high kill shelter that's already over capacity and euthanizing dogs 'for space' every single day," Winrow wrote in the text overlay. "She's just happy she was able to go for a ride this morning."

The thought is heartbreaking. Winrow herself was so upset. "I'm crying in this lobby waiting for my foster to come out while watching this precious soul surely meet her fate," she wrote in the caption.

The comments section was distraught. "The way she's just laying there being a good girl, breaks my heart. How can people be so cruel?" wondered one person. "How can anyone do this I will never understand," someone else added. "She’s in Oklahoma City. Please someone help her," one person begged. "I wish people knew that getting an animal is like having a child that you don't leave when you are sick of it. Take your responsibility!!" another commenter exclaimed.

The Dog Is at the Oklahoma City Animal Shelter

In a follow-up video, Winrow gave even more details about the pup.

Sadly, the tale is a lot worse than it looks. The person who brought the pup in wasn't her true owner. "The person who surrendered the dog said she actually belonged to someone else," Winrow explained. "The 'owners' left her at the person's house a few months ago and never came back for her," she added.

They believe the dog is about 4 years old and has been getting along with her kennel mate. The poor girl is scared of being in this new space. She's currently being held until she is vetted and spayed. Eventually she'll be put up for adoption, when a kind person can come and get her. So if you are looking for a new pet, please consider this dog. This good girl needs a good home.

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