These gourmet meals are not what you think they are

Have you ever opened your refrigerator, only to find several pieces of string cheese, leftover buffalo wings and a half-opened pint of cream cheese?

Here's another question.

Have you ever looked at those pathetic items in your fridge and hoped that you could combine them into a gourmet meal?

For nearly two years, one chef, who formerly went by the pseudonym Chef Jacques La Merde, turned that sad dream into a reality. In 2015, the then-mysterious cook shared an Instagram photo of what initially appeared to be a luxurious dish that, in fact, only consisted of pedestrian ingredients. Still, fellow Instagram users were impressed, and, within months, La Merde went from a relatively unknown chef to a social media star.

A year later (and amid growing scrutiny), La Merde finally revealed themself on "Top Chef" as Toronto-based chef Christine Flynn. In a detailed piece for Bon Appétit, Flynn explained that she wanted to combine her love for three things in particular: food, art and irony.

"I thought it would be funny. That's all," she wrote. "No deeper meaning, no hidden agendas other than making people laugh and carving out a small spot on the internet where I could just be a giant goofball."

Flynn's humor and creativity undoubtedly paid off. After posting her first "dish," Flynn's alter ego amassed 138,000 followers on Instagram. Lately, however, she has been quiet on the social media platform, which makes us wonder: Where has the world's most creative chef gone?

In the meantime, you can check out some of Flynn's ingenious (and probably appetizing) dishes below.
