Golden Retriever's Funny Way of Showing Affection to Her Big Sis Is So Endearing

CC KOTOIMAGES/Shutterstock

If you want to see the face of absolute patience even when you're in an incredibly annoying situation, then look no further than this Golden Retriever dog being incredibly tolerant of what her younger dog brother considers a fun time.

She's trying so hard to not just get up off the coach and put an end to this let's bite big sister's leg game.

The adorably hilarious video was shared by the TikTok account for @ntigner and people can't get enough of these two beautiful dogs. I love how the older one just sits there letting her younger brother just nom on her leg, not running away, just sitting there and taking it with that adorably hilarious faux growl on her face. I'm not the only person who feels this way because one person commented, "Golden snoot scrunches are the most adorable attempt at aggression." Another added, "The definition of I don't like it but I'm going to let it happen." Someone else said, "I just can't take the goldie face scrunch seriously. it's too adorable. it only makes me want to annoy our goldie more."

Related: Dog Shares the Sweet Differences Between Him and His Precious Fur Brother

These two are just too cute for words. Anytime you can catch your dogs playing like this together is just the best. I only have one dog but sometimes I find him playing with one of our cats and it's just the cutest.

Why Two Dogs Are Better Than One

Dogs are pack animals and studies have shown that dogs are happier when they get to spend time with other dogs. The study discovered that the most important factor that contributes to a dog's overall wellbeing is socialization with other dogs.

Having two dogs live together will help them get exercise by playing together, comfort each other in times of stress (Like when no humans are at home) and give them an excellent snuggle buddy for nap time. Plus, dogs are just so amazing that having another one around just doubles the fun.

If you don't have the time, space or money to add another dog to your household, consider visiting doggy parks or arranging a playdate for your dog to be able to have playtime with another dog.

If you are interested in adding another dog to your family, check with your local Humane Society, animals shelter or breed specific rescue and see if they have any dogs available that enjoy the company of dogs!

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