Welcome in Autumn With This List of September Holidays
Summer may be over, but there's so much in store for September! Most notable is the first day of fall, bringing with it stunning foliage and, of course, pumpkin-spiced everything. Speaking of eating seasonal snacks, that's just one of many fall activities at hand, like watching fall movies and carving pumpkins. But aside from your typical fall fare and fun, the month of September also boasts a variety of holidays!
While there are well-known observances like Labor Day and Patriot Day, there are many lesser-known celebrations to discover. Love chocolate milkshakes? There’s a holiday for that! Can't get enough waffles at breakfast? September has a whole week dedicated to them. And if you're a proponent of the power of a black dress, don’t miss National Little Black Dress Day. The list goes on, but you get the idea. So, grab your calendar and get ready to mark down these fun September holidays and observances for 2024!
September Daily Holidays and Observances
Sept. 1: American Chess Day, Ginger Cat Appreciation Day, American Chess Day, Emma M. Nutt Day, National Cherry Popover Day, National Tofu Day, World Letter Writing Day, Pink Cadillac Day, National Little Black Dress Day
Sept. 2: Labor Day, World Beard Day, World Coconut Day, Calendar Adjustment Day, National Live Fearless Day, National Blueberry Popsicle Day,
Sept. 3: National Skyscraper Day, National Bowling League Day
Sept. 4: National Wildlife Day, National Macadamia Nut Day, Eat an Extra Dessert Day
Sept. 5: National Be Late for Something Day, National Cheese Pizza Day, International Day of Charity, World Samosa Day
Sept. 6: National Coffee Ice Cream Day, Fight Procrastination Day, National 401(k) Day, National Read a Book Day, National Lazy Mom's Day, National Food Bank Day
Sept. 7: National Salami Day, Buy a Book Day, International Bacon Day, National Acorn Squash Day, Neither Rain Nor Snow Day, National Beer Lover's Day, National Grandma Moses Day, International Day of Clean Air, National Acorn Squash Day, National Hummingbird Day, National Tailgating Day
Sept. 8: Grandparents Day, International Literacy Day, National Ampersand Day, National Dog Walker Appreciation Day, National Hug Your Hound Day, National Iguana Awareness Day, World Physical Therapy Day, Star Trek Day, National Pet Memorial Day
Sept. 9: Wonderful Weirdos Day, National Teddy Bear Day, National When Pigs Fly Day, International Sudoku Day, International Box Wine Day
Sept. 10: National Swap Ideas Day, National TV Dinner Day, World Suicide Prevention Day, National Ants on a Log Day
Sept. 11: Patriot Day (9/11 Remembrance), National Make Your Bed Day, National Hot Cross Bun Day
Sept. 12: National Video Games Day, National Chocolate Milkshake Day, National Day of Encouragement, Are You Okay Day, National School Picture Day, National Police Woman Day
Sept. 13: Roald Dahl Day, Defy Superstition Day, Uncle Sam Day, Positive Thinking Day, National Peanut Day, National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day, National Bald Is Beautiful Day, National Celiac Disease Awareness Day, International Chocolate Day, National Doodle Day, National Hug Your Boss Day, Stand Up To Cancer Day
Sept. 14: National Cream-Filled Donut Day, National Live Creative Day, National Sober Day, National Eat a Hoagie Day, Gobstopper Day, National Coloring Day
Sept. 15: Make a Hat Day, Greenpeace Day, National Online Learning Day, National Double Cheeseburger Day, Wife Appreciation Day, Felt Hat Day, National Creme de Menthe Day, National Linguine Day, World Engineers Day, National Online Learning Day
Sept. 16: The American Legion Day, Mexican Independence Day, Mayflower Day, National Play-Doh Day, National Step Family Day, National Working Parents Day, Collect Rocks Day, National Guacamole Day, National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day, Working Parents Day, World Barber Day
Sept. 17: Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, National Apple Dumpling Day, National Monte Cristo Day, National IT Professionals Day, International Country Music Day, International Patient Safety Day, National Gymnastics Day, National Pet Bird Day
Sept. 18: The U.S. Air Force Birthday, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day, National Cheeseburger Day, Rice Krispies Treats Day, International Equal Pay Day, Locate an Old Friend Day, National First Love Day, National Respect Day
Sept. 19: International Talk Like a Pirate Day, National Butterscotch Pudding Day
Sept. 20: National Pepperoni Pizza Day, National String Cheese Day, National Queso Day, National Punch Day, National Fried Rice Day, National Concussion Awareness Day
Sept. 21: International Day of Peace, World Gratitude Day, Miniature Golf Day, National Dance Day, International Red Panda Day, National Gymnastics Day, National Coastal Cleanup Day, International Eat An Apple Day, National Chai Day, Responsible Dog Ownership Day, World Alzheimer's Day
Sept. 22: Hobbit Day, Dear Diary Day, Elephant Appreciation Day, American Business Women's Day, World Car-Free Day, National Ice Cream Cone Day, National Centenarian's Day, National White Chocolate Day, Autumnal Equinox Day, World Rhino Day, World Rivers Day
Sept. 23: National Checkers Day, National Great American Pot Pie Day, National Family Day, International Day of Sign Languages, National Apple Cider Vinegar Day, National Baker Day
Sept. 24: National Punctuation Day, National Cherries Jubilee Day, World Bollywood Day, National Horchata Day, National Voter Registration Day
Sept. 25: Math Storytelling Day, National Comic Book Day, National Cooking Day, National Women's Health and Fitness Day, National Daughters Day, National Lobster Day, National One-Hit Wonder Day, National Quesadilla Day, World Pharmacist Day
Sept. 26: Johnny Appleseed Day, National Dumpling Day, National Pancake Day, Love Note Day, Alpaca Day, Lumberjack Day, National Key Lime Pie Day, World Maritime Day
Sept. 27: National Chocolate Milk Day Ancestor Appreciation Day, Morning Show Hosts Day, National Scarf Day, World Tourism Day
Sept. 28: National Good Neighbor Day, National Self Awareness Day, National Ghost Hunting Day, International Rabbit Day, International Lace Day, Ask a Stupid Question Day, National Drink Beer Day
Sept. 29: National Veterans of Foreign Wars Day, Confucius Day, National Coffee Day, National Gold Star Mother's and Family Day, National Biscotti Day, World Heart Day, World Deaf Day, National Goose Day
Sept. 30: National Love People Day, National Chewing Gum Day, National Hot Mulled Cider Day, International Podcast Day, International Translation Day, Orange Shirt Day, Pet Tricks Day
September Weekly Holidays and Observances
National Waffle Week (Sept. 1–7)
National Assisted Living Week, National Suicide Prevention Week, National Arts in Education Week (Sept. 8–14)
Constitution Week (Sept. 17-23)
National Farm Animals Awareness Week, Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week (Sept. 15–21)
Deaf Dog Awareness Week, Sea Otter Awareness Week (Sept. 22–28)
International Week of the Deaf People (Sept. 23–29)
September Monthly Holidays and Observances
Baby Safety Month
Better Breakfast Month
Blood Cancer Awareness Month
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Classical Music Month
Happy Cat Month
Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15)
International Update Your Resume Month
Intergeneration Month
International Strategic Thinking Month
Library Card Sign-Up Month
National Little League Month
National Chicken Month
National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
National Courtesy Month
National Fruit & Veggies Month
National Italian Cheese Month
National Piano Month
National Potato Month
National Preparedness Month
National Rice Month
National Self-Care Awareness Month
National Service Dog Month
National Sewing Month
National Sickle Cell Awareness Month
National Square Dance Month
National Suicide Prevention Month
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month
Save Your Photos Month
Whole Grains Month
World Alzheimer's Month
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