What's in Your Juice?

What's in Your Juice?

There's nothing quite like a glass of juice first thing in the morning to kick-start your day. And with so many delicious flavor combinations these days — both to make and to buy — there's no shortage of delicious juices to enjoy. But unless you have lots of time to spare, tons money to spend on costly juicers, and the means to buy lots of fruits and veggies, you may not always find the time to fresh-squeeze your juice every time you want it.

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So we know it's tempting to pick up a bottle of juice in the supermarket aisle and call it a day. But the closer you look at the ingredients, the more alarmed you might be. Not every juice is as natural and pure as you might think — what we found, when examining ingredient labels and investigating claims, are some seriously stale ingredients.

As with any drink or food you might buy, it never hurts to take a close look at the ingredient label before buying. But what should you look for? There are some key words that can tip you off that your juice might not be as great as you think. There are even drawbacks to the supposedly 100 percent fruit juice label; for one, that 100 percent fruit juice can pack a whole lot more sugar and calories in one serving that the fruit its supposedly made from.

Many dietitians and websites recommend eating your fruit, not drinking it; fruit juices won't have any of the fiber that a piece of fruit has because it's been stripped away during the processing. But that doesn't mean you should avoid juices altogether — you just have to know what to look for. Click ahead to find the biggest "frauds" on your juice label that should make you take pause. But hey, we're proud of you for not picking up a soda!

Check out the slideshow above to reveal the five biggest "frauds" on your juice label.

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