Top 10 Sugar Foods (And 10 Secret Sugar Foods)

Top 10 Sugar Foods (And 10 Secret Sugar Foods)

Sugar, it seems, is everywhere.

It's where we expect it to be (cookies, candy, cakes) as well as places that surprise us. Regardless of the source, sugar is a beauty buster. Perhaps the biggest.

Several studies have shown that excess sugar in the diet contributes to increased risk of heart disease, increased triglycerides, diabetes, weight gain and malnutrition.
Scary? Si! But what's most frightening to beauty buffs is that it also wreaks havoc on your skin. The more sugar you eat, the more likely you are to have skin that is dull and wrinkly. Researchers think this occurs due to a process called glycation, in which sugar in the bloodstream attaches to proteins to form something called AGA's, or, advanced glycation end products. AGE's damage collagen and elastin, two structural proteins directly related to how great....or in this case, not so great, your skin is.

It's the perfect time to kick the sugar habit! After all, you don't want a bunch of AGEs waging war against your skin, right? Check out our slideshow above to see what foods need to be on your radar!

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How to Break Your Sugar Addiction
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