Three Dos and Three Don'ts For After-School Snacks

Three Dos and Three Don'ts For After-School Snacks

Do you ever feel parenthood is a continuous loop of feeding schedules?

First breast or bottle -- when did they last eat? The baby is crying. Is he hungry? Should I start solid food? Then, they get bigger and you assume you will only have to be responsible for three meals a day. Except, you didn't count on snacks. School snacks, bedtime snacks, soccer snacks, snack packs -- the list goes on.

My greatest snack nemesis is the after-school snack. They've had breakfast, lunch, and a mid afternoon snack. I feel like I've just cleaned up from the morning routine and am starting dinner, when they barrel in, often with two or three friends in tow, claim they are "starving" and ransack the pantry. Maybe they are hungry. But, just maybe, putting food in their mouth as soon as they get home is more of a habit, and a bad one at that. Likely, they are eating on the run while getting ready for an after-school sport or club. A full stomach is not a requirement for physical or mental activity. It is important to fight the urge to give in to their every craving and to always keep your focus on helping them develop a healthy relationship with food.

Check out the slideshow above to learn three do's and three don'ts for after-school snacks.

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