Splurge or Scrimp: Grocery-Store Edition

Splurge or Scrimp: Grocery-Store Edition

You already know you shouldn't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. But even if you're not mindlessly grabbing bags of cheese balls, a trip to the supermarket can easily cost as much as a pair of designer jeans.

The toughest part? Knowing when a high price is worth it--and when the cheapo generic brand will do just fine.

We checked in with Teri Gault, CEO of TheGroceryGame.com, and dietitian Sarah Waybright, founder of WhyFoodWorks, for tips on scrimping and splurging while filling up your cart. Head to the slideshow to see their advice. (Hint: The good butter is worth every penny.)

Check out the slideshow above to learn when to scrimp or splurge in the grocery store.
