Simplify Breakfast

Simplify Breakfast

No matter if it is during the week or on the weekends, morning times in our household are busy. Long gone are the days of waking up, lounging around, and taking in a day long movie marathon. Nope. From the moment I get out of bed I need to get everyone ready, fed, and out the door to school, work, and/or dance practice (if it is the weekend).

Mornings are hectic and I am always looking for ways to make it easier. One way to do that is to keep breakfast time simple.

Check out the slideshow above to learn how Organize Yourself Skinny simplifies breakfast for her family with Quaker Perfect Portions. Then check out StyleList for some great tips for quick makeup in the morning!

This is a collaboration between Quaker and the Kitchen Daily Curator Network. Compensation was provided by Quaker via AOL Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Quaker.
