News Bites: The New Coconut Water and Whiskey-Flavored Pigs

News Bites: The New Coconut Water and Whiskey-Flavored Pigs

Many people swear by the hydrating effects of coconut water and opt for it over sports drinks. Even though others speculate that the health benefits of coconut water are greatly exaggerated, the beverage has amassed a following. Now there's a new drink in town. Straight out of Canada, maple water is set to make its debut in the U.S. Filled with nutrients and not too many calories, maple water seems like the ideal drink to match the popularity of coconut water. Could maple water be coconut water's new competition in the drink aisle?

In other news:

  • A distillery is trying to flavor pigs with...whiskey.

  • A Swiss restaurant fines customers for leaving something basic behind.

  • Why duck could become the new chicken.

  • This dog was once a major asset in 16th century English kitchens.

Check out the slideshow above for today's News Bites.
