MSG In Your Food: Is It Bad For You?

MSG In Your Food: Is It Bad For You?

Have you ever wondered why passing by a McDonald's makes you drool? MSG is partially to blame. Put simply, MSG enhances the smell and taste of food; it even stimulates hunger. Even talking about a hot batch of salty fries can make you want to drop everything, run to the nearest chain and gobble to your hearts content. Folks, it's not your imagination: it's MSG.

MSG, more formally known as monosodium glutamate, is a manufactured sodium salt. It can lead to several potentially dangerous side effects, especially for those whose bodies react to the additive as a toxin.

The FDA requires that any product featuring MSG be labeled accordingly. However, MSG is often listed under misleading ingredient labels such as "yeast extract," "natural flavors," "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" and "sodium caseinate."

Could this food be creeping into your everyday dishes without you knowing? The answer, unfortunately, is yes.

To read more on MSG and your health, check out our slideshow above.

To learn about foods that may not be as healthy as you think, explore Is Oatmeal Unhealthy?, The Pros and Cons of Dried Fruit: Is It Healthy? and What Types of Peanut Butter are Unhealthy?.
