How To Make Fluff from Scratch

How To Make Fluff from Scratch

By Sydney Kramer from The Crepes of Wrath

I was baking recently, and the recipe required about two jars of marshmallow fluff. I added it to my grocery list, but after checking two or three stores near my apartment, I came up empty. How is it possible that fluff is so hard to find? No matter: I knew I had seen it made from scratch somewhere before. I did a quick search on my phone and was pleased to learn that the only ingredient I needed that I didn't already have at home was corn syrup.

I know, I know. Corn syrup is bad for you! Corn syrup blah blah blah. Look, we all enjoy candy and ice cream and the occasional cheese fry or bag of Cheetos, don't we? A little corn syrup never hurt anyone, and life is all about balance. So, armed with a big bottle, I returned home to whip up my very own small batch of marshmallow fluff.

Check out the slideshow above to learn exactly how to make fluff at home.

Moonshine Marshmallows, the Blue Bottle Way
S'mores Ice Cream
How to Make Homemade Mallomars

This article originally appeared on How to Make Fluff from Scratch.

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