How to Indulge Without Overdoing It According to Melissa Ben-Ishay

How to Indulge Without Overdoing It According to Melissa Ben-Ishay

Melissa Ben-Ishay, founder of of Baked by Melissa, makes cupcakes every day—and she eats them too! Who could blame her? Baking and being around all of those delicious little treats all day must be tempting. However, her attitude toward eating is entirely realistic. She doesn't pass up on indulging in sweets, but she knows that she has to manage her portions in order to not go overboard. Just in time for summer, Melissa reveals how she snacks on sweets without taking it too far.

Check out the slideshow above for Melissa's tips to indulge in a way that's better for you.

Then, discover Melissa's favorite food trends, learn the story behind Baked by Melissa and discover 14 things you didn't know about the cupcake connoisseur!
