How to Grill Vegetables

How to Grill Vegetables

Grilled corn, bell peppers, onions, and eggplant are some of summer's best treats. Our handy grilling guide makes it all easy.

Basic Grilling Tips from the Test Kitchen

  • Foil-lined rimmed baking sheets are great for prepping vegetables—and transporting them out to the grill, too.

  • To oil the grill, use an oil-soaked, crumpled paper towel.

  • Want distinct grill marks? Resist turning the veggies during the first few minutes. To prevent burning, move to spots with less heat; turn as needed.

  • Our favorite grill tool? Sturdy, long-handled stainless steel tongs for moving veggies on, off, and around the grill.

Check out the slideshow above to learn how to grill bell peppers, corn, eggplant, zucchini and more!

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