Get To Know Your Future Food Source: Edible Bugs

Get To Know Your Future Food Source: Edible Bugs

Would you ever eat bugs? While the thought of consuming creepy-crawlies might make your stomach turn, entomophagy - eating insects - is actually common practice for many cultures in Africa, Asia and South America.

Scientists seeking a solution for the global food crisis pinpoint insects as an excellent sustainable protein source that is low in fat and high in essential vitamins and minerals. Farming insects is also environmentally friendly because the practice produces 10% of the methane livestock emits and uses much less land and water.

We don't anticipate insects invading your local restaurant's menu any time soon, as many people in Western nations believe bugs are "dirty", "unsafe" and all around yucky. However, eating bugs is a regular part of the diet for 80 percent of the world's population, and it's hard to ignore the growing edible-insect movement in America. To help you get to know your possible future food source, feast your eyes on these eight edible bugs.

Check out the slideshow above to discover eight edible bugs.

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