Foods Doctors Won't Eat And Why

Foods Doctors Won't Eat And Why

By Lauren Gordon

Questioning the quality of the food you consume is something worth doing. But what exactly defines "good" food? We aren't just asking what tastes good or looks good, but rather what food is good down to its core, and what separates it from all the other junk? The answer seems pretty clear: fruits and vegetables are good, sweets and candies are not so good. But sometimes to know why something is truly "good," you have to be able to identify and understand what makes something "bad."

Click here to see the 11 Foods Doctors Won't Eat and Why (Slideshow)

"It isn't just how you cook it, it is what you cook," says Dr. Michael Hirt, internist and board certified nutritionist at the Center for Integrative Medicine.

We spoke with Dr. Hirt and four other doctors across the country in various stages of their careers and lives to find out what foods they won't eat, why they don't eat them, and how they feel this information can help you. After all, you ask a doctor's opinion on everything, so why not ask what they do to keep healthy? But to begin, a disclaimer:

"The dietary habits of doctors range from quite unhealthy to fairly unhealthy," explains Dr. Rohit Chandra, child and adult psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital-Chelsea and instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "Doctors are notorious for not taking care of themselves, especially [when it comes to] exercise and overwork[ing], but perhaps diet as well. So one should keep in mind that doctors as a whole may not eat as well as one might imagine."

Check out the slideshow above to learn what foods doctors won't eat and why.

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