Everything You Need to Know About Cheesecake

Everything You Need to Know About Cheesecake

July 30th is National Cheesecake Day! The creamy, cheesy, decadent cake has a history almost as rich as its ingredients. From ancient Greece to New York City, the cheesecake has endured quite a delicious transformation. Even though many people might associate cheesecake with New York, the dessert has traveled far and wide, and has many subtle flavor differences all over the world.

Cheesecake now comes in all sorts of varieties and flavors, including the popular cherry cheesecake, and even an Oreo cheesecake exists! If you like to keep it simple, you'll be happy to know that some cheesecakes don't even require baking...

Check out the slideshow above for a history of cheesecake and find out the differences between the most popular versions!
