Eat to Undo Sun Damage: 6 Exotic Superfood Recipes

Eat to Undo Sun Damage: 6 Exotic Superfood Recipes

By Grace Gold

With aquamarine beaches, lush tropical forests and the best coffee in the world, South America is a popular destination for sun-seeking travelers. And yet one look at the locals, and you'll see glowing skin in spite of decades spent drenched in UV rays. That's because regional foods with rejuvenating nutrients are eaten whole daily without processing, says Fernando Aciar, co-owner of New York City's feelfood café, where he brings the healing Latin American superfoods of his childhood to the frenzied masses in Manhattan.

"Long before there was sunscreen, South Americans worked for generations out in the fields under sun—and they intuitively ate richantioxidant foods to help the skin and body replenish," says Aciar. Many of these gems come from the Amazon rainforest, which houses some of the most medicinal plants in the world. Indeed, indigenous South American diets (as in, ways of eating, not weight loss tools) are growing in popularity among nutritionists who champion the low-processed, high-fiber foods as ideal for health and beauty.

Here, we highlight foods that are especially helpful in mending sun damage in particular. You can look for them at Whole Foods and your local health food store, or in Latin American markets that may be found around immigrant communities.

Check out the slideshow above for 6 superfoods to undo sun damage.

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