Distillery Raises Pigs to Taste Like Whiskey

Distillery Raises Pigs to Taste Like Whiskey

If you enjoy whiskey and you like pork, you'll probably be pleased to hear what a distillery in Iowa is doing. The meat and the drink may be one in the same soon. And we're not talking about whiskey-infused bacon.

The founders of Templeton Rye Distillery in Templeton, Iowa want to create pork that already tastes like their whiskey. So they're attempting to do just that. According to Iowa's WQAD, the founders of the distillery are breeding 25 pigs on a farm in Iowa to give them the distinct flavor of their whiskey. Don't worry, they aren't making the pigs drink any of the stuff. Instead, they're filling the pigs' feed with the dry distillery grain used to make the alcohol.

The distillery's co-founder, Keith Kerkhoff, says this has never been done before, and he tells WQAD that the distillery is already getting inquiries about the pigs.

Check out the slideshow above to learn more about the whiskey-flavored pigs.

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