The Best and Worst Secrets of College Campus Dining

The Best and Worst Secrets of College Campus Dining

College cafeterias once carried a reputation for serving mystery meat and unappealing eats, but a new generation of college students are demanding trendy, upscale dining options with healthy, gourmet food.

Colleges are stepping up their game by adding restaurant chefs and nutrition experts to their payroll and updating cafeterias into a restaurant-style dining experience. Menus have evolved to include cuisine from around the world and the latest food trends, and many eateries now have stations that prepare custom-made dishes to accommodate a student's special dietary needs.

But, are college students taking advantage of their salad bar and the expanded healthy offerings? And, did you know one college has even gone so far as to supply their own meat (processed at its Meat Science Center on campus) to its dining hall?

Check out the slideshow above to discover the best and worst secrets of college campus dining.

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