8 Things You Didn't Know Your Microwave Could Do

8 Things You Didn't Know Your Microwave Could Do

Imagine Lois Lane's surprise when she finally learns that the nerdy, predictable and buttoned- down Clark Kent is in fact the super-strong, faster than a speeding bullet, hunky Superman. The man she had grown accustomed to was, in fact, not who she thought he was. She learned that he was capable of so much more, things no one else could do! What if I told you have a Superman right under your nose? Meet your Superman, or shall we say Super-appliance: the microwave.

Click Here to see the Slideshow for 8 Things You Didn't Know Your Microwave Could Do

No, I'm not kidding. Your microwave, like a certain Mr. Kent, is there when you need it, perhaps even comforting in times of need, but doesn't really offer anything new. You know it to serve A, B and C purposes. Need popcorn? Zap! Microwave has your back. You need to nuke your leftovers? Microwave! And let's not get started on the bevy of TV dinners that are available nowadays that a microwave can rock in a jiffy.

Like Clark, your microwave is reliable but one dimensional. It's main purpose, if not only, is to reheat food. Right there is your first mistake because microwaves can actually cook many foods. Those of you in the know are privy to sanitizing your kitchen sponges and cutting boards in the microwave but that's about as useful as it gets, right? So you think.

I'm not suggesting your microwave can rescue you from burning buildings and other perils. What your microwave can do, however, is save you money by rescuing foods that you may have otherwise thrown away. Rescue missions aside, it can also help you with other tasks like not crying over onions, peeling your foods, and drying your herbs. Now tell me what man, super or otherwise, will always be there for you to do all that and heat up a cup of hot cocoa? Your microwave!

Keep reading on to find out why your microwave is a super appliance.

Check out the slideshow above for 8 things you didn't know your microwave could do.

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