8 Foods That Keep You Up All Night

8 Foods That Keep You Up All Night

With the new year comes a list of resolutions to get healthy and fit. Eating right and getting regular exercise are important, but nothing keeps you in better health than a good night's sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep each night can leave you feeling rested and ready to take on the day. But falling asleep easily greatly depends on what you ate for dinner.

Click here for 8 Foods That Keep You Up All Night

To make sure that you get the best night's sleep possible, we spoke with Dr. Michael Gelb, DDS, MS, a New York-based sleep doctor, and he helped compile a list of foods that disrupt sleep. Turns out, there are quite a few foods that you should avoid eating as a late-night snack.

If you find yourself tossing and turning in bed, think about what you ate for dinner or dessert. For example, you might want to skip the dark chocolate since it contains caffeine and other stimulants. It's also important to leave out fatty foods and avoid a high-protein diet. Check out more of Dr. Gelb's tips on which foods to avoid for better night's sleep.

Check out the slideshow above for eight foods that can keep you up at night.

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