7 Tricks for a Healthier Thanksgiving

7 Tricks for a Healthier Thanksgiving

With all the great Thanksgiving dishes to taste, chances are you'll eat far more calories on Turkey Day than you would at a typical dinner. But if you just have a light breakfast and lunch or snack, our version of the big meal, which has less than half the calories and a quarter of the fat of a traditional Thanksgiving meal, can easily fit into a healthy 1,500- to 2,000-calorie day. With a few simple changes to the classic Thanksgiving menu, our healthy Thanksgiving menu - which still includes turkey, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, onions, green beans and pumpkin pie - saves 1,273 calories and 92 grams of fat over the traditional version.

Check out the slideshow above to see how it compares to a menu with traditional versions of these dishes.

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