5 Ways to Add Flavor to Any Vegetable Dish

5 Ways to Add Flavor to Any Vegetable Dish

Vegetables are at the heart of each meal served by the Rome Sustainable Food Project at the American Academy in Rome. In fact, 7 of the 11 meals served each week are entirely vegetable-based, and verdure are truly the backbone of the RSFP. The highest praise we get from our dining community and their guests is for how we prepare our vegetables: in a way that makes them both interesting and appealing every time.

People often ask me, "How can I make my vegetable dishes more exciting at home?" My new book, Verdure, provides a repertoire of Italian- and California-inspired recipes for great seasonal vegetable dishes that are uncomplicated and approachable, yet still refined.

Here are a few simple tricks that will add complexity and depth of flavor to any dish, and turn even the most boring vegetable preparation (think boiled cauliflower) into something thrilling, time and time again.

Check out the slideshow above for 5 easy ways to add flavor to any veggie dish.

1 Pot of Vegetable Stock, 5 Dinners
How to Roast Any Vegetable in 4 Steps

This article originally appeared on Food52.com:5 Ways to Add Flavor to Any Vegetable Dish
