5 Foods This Nutritionist Won't Eat

5 Foods This Nutritionist Won't Eat

A big part of my job involves diving daily into the latest research on food. Although the internet, TV and magazines have given people the tools to become "diet experts," the truth remains that the strongest evidence we have on what to eat and what to skip come from the peer reviewed journals. This research helps us understand why and how a probiotic can affect gut health, why an orange may prevent mental decline and why whole grains may help to fight against certain cancers.

Research also provides us with insight into the darker side of food as well. Think just one fast food meal won't affect your overall health? Think again, says science. Think that sugar isn't as addictive as some drugs? Several studies would disagree with you.

It's hard to refute a strong study, and the harmful foods I see popping up in several studies are the ones I avoid all together.

Check out the slideshow above to discover 5 foods that should vanish from your pantry and your plate.

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