How to Care for Amaryllis Plants This Christmas and Beyond

It’s not the holidays without a live tree, fresh wreath, or poinsettia plant to bring festive cheer to your home. You may have even added a Christmas cactus to your holiday décor this year. But if you’ve never tried growing an amaryllis, it’s time to treat yourself to this gorgeous holiday plant! The flower grows from a large bulb and produces exotic trumpet-like blooms that are up to 10 inches across. Their vibrant shades of deep red, pink, white, and even stripes make them perfect for Christmas decorations. Best of all—with these amaryllis care tips, they can even add color to your home year-round.

Amaryllis bulbs often are sold a few months before the holidays so that you can “force” or encourage them to bloom indoors. You can buy the bulb itself, or they may be sold in a kit that contains a pot and potting soil. If choosing a pot yourself, make sure it’s only an inch or two wider than the bulb because they tend to prefer being snug in their pots. Also, it must have drainage holes or the bulb will drown.

Here’s what else you need to know about making your amaryllis bloom.

amaryllis flowers in front of window
JOHNER IMAGES - Getty Images

How to Care for an Amaryllis

If your bulb came in a kit, add soil to the bottom of the pot, set the bulb on top, then fill in around the bulb. When you’re done, the upper half of the bulb should be sticking out above the soil. Water around the bulb, not directly on the bulb itself. Place it in a bright window, and don’t water again until either the stalk or bud appears. Once you have greenery, water regularly when the top couple of inches feel dry to the touch. Don’t keep the soil wet, which will cause it to rot.

As the plant starts growing, rotate the pot every few days so the stem doesn’t lean in one direction. Once the amaryllis shows color, you can put it anywhere in your home to enjoy. If the stem flops over, just cut the flower and enjoy it in a vase instead. An amaryllis typically takes 4 to 6 weeks to bloom once potted.

Can I get an amaryllis to bloom again next year?

Many people treat amaryllis plants as annuals, but you can try to save it for next year. It’s definitely less fussy about re-blooming than other Christmas plants, such as poinsettias. After the amaryllis flowers fade, cut them off, but leave the stalk and other foliage in place to photosynthesize, or make food to be stored for future flower production.

Keep it in a bright window until it’s safe to place outdoors after all threat of frost has passed; at first give it shade, then gradually work up to full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight). Water during dry spells, and fertilize, if you like. By mid-summer, bring the plant indoors and place in a dark, dry place. By Halloween, cut off the foliage, put it in a bright window, and water once. Wait until the greenery appears to water again. With luck, you’ll have new blooms within a month or two.

Why didn’t my amaryllis bloom for Christmas?

Many different factors affect when your plant blooms including the variety of plant and when you potted it. But it could be as simple as the fact that there are two different types of amaryllis bulbs. Some are grown in South Africa, so they bloom in time for the holidays, and some are grown in the Netherlands, and they don’t bloom until well after the holidays. You probably don’t know which kind you have, so just enjoy the blooms whenever they appear!

Typically, you’ll get at least one more year of blooms out of your plant. But they don’t last forever! If it doesn’t bloom again, simply compost it and treat yourself to a new bulb. The exception is the bulbs you see sold with wax around them but no soil; these rarely ever re-bloom.

Is amaryllis toxic to pets?

Unfortunately, all parts of the amaryllis plant are toxic to cats and dogs. So keep it away from nibblers, and call your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested any of the bulbs, leaves or flowers.

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