Bernese Mountain Dog Attempts to ‘Catch’ a Bumblebee and It’s Pure Cuteness Overload


With spring and warm weather finally here, many of us are spending much more time outside enjoying the sun, including our pets. 4 dubs&2Dawgs shared a video on Friday, May 10th of their Bernese Mountain dog sitting outside on the deck when a bee approaches him - the whole scene is just too cute!

If I didn't know better, I would think that the bee knew exactly what it was doing! The Berner is minding his own business, but the bee won't leave him alone. Watch as he snaps at it and tries to get it to leave him alone and wait for his adorable little snarl of irritation!

He was not having it with that bee! @4dubs&2Dawgs' adorable video went viral and has more than 5.5 million views, close to a million likes, and more than 5 thousand comments, and some of them were funny! @Ashley Torres got more than 92 thousand likes when she said, "I’ve never seen a dog be more annoyed LOL!" @Heiney220 got 56 thousand likes for the comment, "The level of frustration building hahaha!" @Siri laughed, "The death stare is killing me he was FUMING!!!" And I agree with @Tay_Hill who pointed out, "That bee knew what it was doing!"

Related: Bernese Mountain Dog’s Adorable Stretch After a Nap Goes Viral

Why Bernese Mountain Dogs Make Great Pets

If you're like me, chances are after watching this video you are thinking about wanting a Bernese Mountain dog to call your own. Berners are known to be one of the most docile dogs around. One Pet Helpful article says, "This dog breed almost never bites the owner or a stranger. According to one study, they have a bite frequency index of 0 (compared to a breed that more commonly bites, like the Dachshund)."

While they adore their family and are considered a docile breed, they still make good guard dogs because of their loud, deep, threatening bark, serious face, and foreboding appearance. They are big; adult males can grow up to 120 pounds, and if a stranger or burglar saw him, they'd probably run the other way!

If you're looking for a dog that's not very active, a Berner isn't for you. Berners were bred to be working dogs and require a good amount of exercise each day. If they don't get it, they can be very destructive, a common boredom buster. This means they'll start chewing and destroying things just for fun. Exercise is a must for Berners.

Berners are beautiful dogs, but remember that their thick, long coats need to be brushed regularly or they'll get very matted. They tend to shed a lot, and they drool even more...especially after eating and drinking. Check out this tip to help your dog avoid getting water all over your floors after drinking. I'm currently trying to teach our puppy to do this even though she's not a Berner...she's just sloppy!

As with all dog breeds, there are good and bad that go with them. Make sure to do your research to determine if this breed would be a good fit for your family.

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