These amazing animal snacks will get your child excited about lunch

Project Lunchbox prepares you for your best lunchtime game. Discover the many creative ways you can make delicious lunches for yourself and your kids.

From a peanut butter owl to a kiwi and grape turtle, this episode of Project Lunchbox will be the envy of the school lunchroom.

Owl Toast


  • 1 slice sandwich bread, toasted

  • nut butter or other sandwich spread

  • banana

  • blueberries

  • 1 strawberry, sliced

  • mango, sliced

  • 1 kiwi, sliced

  • halved cereal O’s


  1. Spread your sandwich spread of choice onto toasted bread.

  2. Banana coins topped with blueberries can be used as eyes, strawberry slices for ears, mango slices for a beak and kiwi slices for wings.

  3. Cut cereal o’s in half and apply beneath the beak as feathers. Serve and enjoy!

Hummus Animal Crackers

For the puppy:

  • 1 round cracker

  • hummus

  • cheese slices

  • carrot rounds

  • candy eyes

  • 1 olive slice

  • 1 blueberry


  1. Spread hummus onto a round cracker.

  2. Top with cheese slices to create ears, carrot rounds topped with a candy eyeballs to create the eyes, and an olive slice topped with a blueberry to create the nose. Serve.

For the hedgehog:

  • round cracker

  • hummus

  • candy eyes

  • blueberry

  • sunflower seeds


  1. Spread hummus onto a round cracker.

  2. Top with candy eyes, and add a blueberry to create a nose. Stick sunflower seeds into the hummus, standing up, to create the spines.

Kiwi Turtles


  • kiwi, sliced

  • grapes, halved

  • sesame seeds


  1. Attach halved grapes to kiwi slice using toothpicks to create the turtle’s “legs.”

  2. Use a toothpick to attach a whole grape “head” onto the front of the kiwi. Top the whole grape with two sesame seeds to create eyes. Serve.

RELATED: For more back to school lunch ideas, check out the slideshow below!
