Adorable Video of Baby Skunks Playing at Nashville Zoo Is Brightening Everybody’s Day
The Nashville Zoo posted a video on Friday, August 29th, and it may be the cutest one you'll see today! The video shows their little skunks enjoying the day by playing together in the grass. They also get up close and try to check out the camera that's filming them. It'll definitely make you smile!
Nashville Zoo aptly says in their caption, "Gouda vibes with Cheddar, Feta, Havarti, Brie, Fontina, and Munster!" The names couldn't be cuter, and neither could the playful skunks. Watch on to see how cute they can be!
They are so playful and so curious about the camera! Fans of Nashville Zoo all agreed that the skunks were adorable. @March-Revolution said simply, "Spectacular, I’ll take 14 of them please!" @Maddie Lay made me chuckle when she said, "If not friend, why friend shaped?" as did @parvax who added, "I love stinky kitties!" Another commenter added, "The names! They are so cute!" I couldn't agree more!
Related: Miller Zoo Shows off Their Adorable ‘Spicy’ Baby Skunks and People Can’t Get Enough
Can You Keep a Skunk as a Pet?
Many commenters said they now want a skunk of their own. Believe it or not, you technically could keep a skunk as a pet, but that doesn't mean that you should. A lot of people agree that domesticated skunks can make good pets. They're extremely intelligent, curious, and like to be held and snuggled. They've got individual personalities and can provide lots of entertainment for their family. However, they also can be headstrong and stubborn...imagine having an argument with a skunk!
Because they are curious, this means that they can be mischievous and get into trouble when they get bored. They'll learn to open drawers and cabinets, and they'll steal clothing and blankets to soften up their bed. They are natural diggers, and would have no problem digging in your carpet, furniture, or other belongings.
You can't just run to the grocery store and buy skunk food; you have to prepare meals for them each day. They eat lots of fruits and veggies, worms, grubs, and some people have success supplementing meals with cat or ferret food.
If you bring a skunk home, you'll have to have the scent glands removed so that it doesn't stink up the place. It will have to live indoors; it's important to never let your pet skunk outside, as it will have no natural defenses and will be unable to spray to protect itself.
After learning all of this about skunks, I've decided that although they're definitely cute, a skunk definitely doesn't sound like the ideal pet for me, although a lot of people out there do keep them and think they make wonderful pets. In most states, skunks are considered an exotic pet, and they are not legal in every state. If you're really considering bringing one home, make sure to verify that you can legally have one in your state. Do your research to learn everything you can about them before deciding if this animal is the right pet for your family.
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