License guns, not cats | Letters to the Editor

Bob Brawdy/

Cats or guns?

On May 28, The Wichita Eagle’s headline on the top half of the front page was “Animal control board wants cat owners to get licenses.”

This lengthy article talked about the need for cats to be registered and have microchips so that they can be identified and their owners traced.

Owners need to be restricted to two or three cats. That may be necessary in the city.

But it made me think about why we don’t spend time and energy on making laws about registering guns and making sure that the owners can be traced and on limiting the number of guns a person can own and how they are taken care of.

I have not heard of a cat entering a school and killing children and teachers. They do not decapitate children. It is even possible that a purring cat on a lap might discourage loneliness and a suicide.

Who are we as a society and what are our priorities?!

Zona Galle, North Newton

Rough riding

What is it going to take to get First and Second Streets, between Oliver and Edgemoor, and now Douglas, between Edgemoor and Woodlawn, resurfaced?

Those of us who drive these streets regularly have waited patiently, for years, even decades in the case of First Street., for something to be done — something more than the occasional patch that lasts a week or two.

First Street should be dug out completely down to the bedrock, along most of that half mile, and replaced with new concrete. It’s not only hard on cars; it jolts the human spine pretty well, too!

Douglas usually gets attention in a more timely manner; I don’t know what has happened, but resurfacing for it is also well overdue.

Please see that these streets get the repairs, resurfacing, replacement, whatever, that they sorely need.

Evon Russell, Wichita

Weapons of mass distraction

There has been a strange increase in the number of mass murders in the United States lately.

Why has this happened?

Also, these murders are strange, because most of them make no sense.

Often the murderer, himself, is killed, or at least arrested, so he pays a heavy price, and seems to gain nothing.

I offer a unusual explanation as to who is behind these events.

It is the anti-gun people.

Let us notice. What is the main message the media usually gives us when one of these events happens. Is it that we need more policemen? No.

Usually it is that guns, especially machine guns, be outlawed.

Well, that might slow things down a bit if criminals would obey that law.

But probably, only the law-abiding citizens would conform.

Actually if we were attacked, those people might be an important part of our defense.

Wait. Maybe that is it.

Perhaps there is a group that hopes someday to control us, and they don’t want any opposition. It would clearly be in their interests to disarm us. Then we could not resist. Could it be that they also largely control the media?

Gordon Bakken, Wichita

Medicaid same as last year

It’s summer and I am looking forward to the many opportunities and activities the season brings.

I am especially grateful that I can enjoy everything without worrying about health care. I am fortunate to have insurance that covers services, emergencies and preventive procedures.

But as I go through Life care-free I am mindful of the 7,000+ Kansans waiting for services on Medicaid waiver wait lists and over 150,000 Kansans without health care coverage that we have already paid for in the Medicaid Gap.

The legislative session is over and most of us will put those issues behind us till next January.

But these folks have been ignored by our state government yet again and will have to live the consequences of our leaders’ decisions and stances for another full year. I can’t imagine the worry and struggle to be in that position.

I wonder if they will enjoy summer.

Ron Chronister, Halstead
