Letters: Marco Rubio should keep his day job and not be Donald Trump's 'Veep' choice.

Rubio, a no-go as Veep choice

Re “Trump to Parade VP Hopefuls at Retreat:” Sen. Marco Rubio is named as one of Donald Trump’s potential running mates, although the 12th Amendment supposedly prevents two people from the same state doing so. Still, voters should know that when Rubio ran against Trump in 2016, our senior senator called Trump “a con artist,” “an embarrassment,” “unprepared to be president,” accused him of being “someone who had spent 40 years sticking it to the little guy,” and of “being the most vulgar person ever to run for president of the United States.”

Fast forward eight years and suddenly Rubio has endorsed Trump for president, supports his claims of presidential immunity, thinks the prosecutions against the con man are unjust, and fawns over him like an obsessed, star-struck child. Well, Mr. Rubio, you can’t have it both ways. Your poor judgment of character and lack of conviction make you suspect as a V.P. candidate. Let’s hope that in the end it doesn’t matter who the con man’s running mate is.

Scott Benarde, West Palm Beach

Trump's "interesting" Veep choices: 'I hated that dog': Potential Trump running mate under fire after relating why she shot pup

Where's the evidence for metal detectors?

A recent column suggests that installing metal detectors in schools is an effective tool to prevent school shootings. Of course, the writer failed to present any evidence that such measures stop gun violence. These detectors are not being required for private schools, and I am going to suggest the reason why is because there is an active effort to scare people away from public schools, furthering the Republican effort to dismantle public education. If we really want to restore safety in our schools and public places, I would suggest to start by repealing D.C. v Heller and restore some degree of sanity in our gun laws.  If our gun laws were more in line with other first world countries, we would not be having the gun problems that we have.

Alaric Lurie, Delray Beach

Justice Thomas exudes unethical behavior

Ginni Thomas, the wife of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, was a Stop-the-Steal zealot who supported Trump’s attempts to keep Biden from becoming president, and she is deeply implicated in the activities underlying Trump’s indictment in U.S. v. Trump. The court’s recently adopted Code of Conduct and, more importantly, 28 U.S. Code § 455, require a justice to disqualify him or herself if their spouse has “an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding.” The court’s decision on Trump’s claim of absolute immunity could lead to or foreclose criminal prosecution of Thomas’s wife. Yet, Thomas has fully participated in every aspect of the case. Clearly, he should have recused himself. The difference between Trump being held accountable for his criminal behavior or going scot-free without trial could come down to the vote of one blatantly unethical justice.

John O'Shea, Palm Beach Gardens

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This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio a no-go for Donald Trump's vice presidential pick
